Online Entrance Exam with Course Recommendation System
Table of Contents
The capstone project entitled “Web Based Entrance examination with Course Recommendation” is a platform for taking an entrance examination in colleges. Along with the entrance examination, the system also provides course recommendation for incoming freshmen.
Before the students can enter in their desired colleges, they must first undergo entrance examination. The typical way of taking entrance examination is through exam papers, the student must take the exam in the colleges of their choice. The conventional way is time consuming, the college staff will prepare bunch of exam questionnaire and that includes too much paperwork. The students must also prepare things like pens, pencils and other necessity that are needed in taking the exam. The manual way of taking the entrance examination is inefficient and not convenient for both parties.

Proposed Solution
To address the aforementioned problems, the researchers of this study aim to design and develop a platform for fast and efficient college entrance examination. The proposed solution is to have a computer-assisted examination. The entrance examination will be web based; the staff in-charge will not prepare a lot of examination papers anymore. The students also will not need to prepare things like pens and other. They will only utilize the system to take their entrance examination. If the students also are still undecided as to what course they would take, they can also use the system to browse for course recommendation. This system will improve the conventional way of taking entrance examinations.
Objectives of the Study
General Objective – the main objective of this study is to design and develop a computer-assisted entrance examination for colleges along with the list of course recommendation.
The following are the specific objectives of this capstone project:
- To design and develop a web based platform for entrance examination.
- The system will provide list of course recommendation for incoming students based on the result or score that they have got.
- To provide a paperless and computer-assisted entrance examination that is online based.
- Develop a system that is easy and efficient to use.
- The system will bring convenience to both the college staffs and students.
- It also aims to determine the quality and acceptability of the developed software using a standardized evaluation tools.
Significance of the Study
The following groups or individuals will benefit from this study:
Guidance Counsellors. The success of this study will lessen their work since they are responsible in handling entrance examinations. This system will help them lessen their paper works.
Incoming freshmen. The incoming freshmen students will be benefited from this study. They would not need to manually take their entrance examination; all they need to do is register their profile and they can use and utilize the system using their devices.
Researchers. Capstone project is a subject wherein researchers can use their skills and knowledge in programming, database and research. It is an opportunity for the researchers to put into practice what they have learned as an Information Technology student.
Future Researcher. The output of the study both the documentation and system would be a great help for the future researchers. The documentation will serve as their literature or prior art and the system can be upgraded based on the new requirements.
Development Tools
The development of the project will be based on the track of the IT program of the institution and the skills of the researchers. Since the project is a web based system, the researchers will use PHP and MySQL or MariaDB for the back-end part. HTML, CSS and Javascript will be used in the front-end. In addition, the researchers will use Bootstrap as the framework for developing the user interface of the proposed capstone project.
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