Online Crime and Incident Reporting with SMS Notification

Online Crime and Incident Reporting with SMS Notification


Online Crime and Incident Reporting is a web based project developed in PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap. The said project has a SMS notification feature using the iTexMo SMS API. This project aims to develop an online system where the users can report crimes, incidents and complaints directly to the police departments. The application has a centralized database for storing and for easy retrieval of crime reports. With the implementation of this project, the researchers believe that this will promote better service in terms of speed and accuracy of reports.


The following are the main target/objectives of the study

  1. To design and develop an information system for crime reporting which is responsive that can be accessed through the user’s personal computer, mobile devices such as smartphone and tablet.
  2. Provide monthly report, giving feed-back, examining reports, follow-up and reporting.
  3. To transform the manual process of operation in crime reporting into an automated one.
  4. To established more effective way of storing the records.


The implementation of this study will benefit the following group of people:

Residents/respondents of the study. The residents/respondents of the study will be able to report crime and complaints without going to the police station.  They can easily request for the assistance of the police.

Police department. Once the report is valid the police can now respond to the situation faster.

Future researchers.  This will serve as the basis for other developer/researcher to improve the project

Features and System Modules

Dashboard Module – this module will provide the basic statistics of the system such as the number of crime reports, registered records, etc.

Registration Module – the residents/respondents of the study needs to register their profile such as name, address and cellphone number and a valid document to the system to prevent fake accounts and misinformation because the information collected will be used to activate the account or not.

Police Profile Module – this module will record the list of police officer together with their personal information such as name and cellphone number.

SMS Module – the sms module is responsible for sending and receiving text from residents to police department or vice versa.

User Account Module – the system can be accessed by the administrator which has the full access to the system, the system encoder for encoding of records, approver account will be handled by a police officer whose task is to approve the application of residents and will maintain, validate and check the authenticity and reliability of crime/complaint report.

Reports Module – the system can provide reports such as the list of crimes/complaints for a specific date range.

Database Schema/Design

tblregistration – (id, firstname, lastname, address, cellphonenumber, validdocument, status(approve, disapproved, remarks, dateofregistration)

tblpoliceofficer – (id, firstname, lastname, cellphonenumber)

tblcrimerecord – (id, detailsofreport, date, reportedby(, status, remarks, respondedby(

tbluseraccount – (id, fullname, contact, accounttype(admin, encoder, approver))


The implementation of the Online Crime and Incident Reporting with SMS Notification will result to the following benefits/advantages:

  • Centralized data handling
  • Faster and Real-time Report Generation
  • Faster searching capability
  • Statistical Analysis of crime reports

Software Requirements

The following are the software used for the development and for the implementation of the system:

Operating System: Microsoft XP OS Service Pack 2 windows Vista    Windows 7 and 8

Software Development: Brackets, uWAMP

Browser: Google Chrome/Mozilla Firefox and other browser

Documentation: Microsoft Word 2007 and MS-Excel 2007

Hardware Requirements

The following are the specifications as shown below:

Processor: Intel Dual Core 2.0Ghz or higher

Memory: 4GB DDR3 (Recommended)

Disk Storage: 500 GB (Recommended)

Drive: CD/DVD-RW 60x or up (Recommended)

Video Card: 2GB GeForce VC (Optional)

USB Slot: USB Port 2.0 or up (Recommended)

Printer any brand

Staff Requirement & Qualification

List of staff requirement and qualification:

  1. Computer literate;
  2. has a basic knowledge in computer;
  3. Knowledge about the management work;
  4. Willingness to learn the new development of the management process;
  5. Staff must have a code of ethics and open minded;
  6. Conduct training for the system users;
  7. Provide user’s manual;

Development Tools

PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap for web development

iTextMo SMS API for SMS notification feature

Bracket for coding

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