Online Alumni Tracer and Job Portal System with SMS Notification
Introduction of the Study
The project entitled Online Alumni Tracer and Job Portal System is an online application intended for the graduates of an academic institution. This web application is very important not only for graduates but for the administration as well, this serves as the database repository of the whereabouts, the jobs and other information of the graduates that might be helpful in tracing and report requirements needed by the institution. The Commission on Higher Education is now requiring Higher Educational Institution to submit the information of the graduates together with their job status. The purpose of that report is to be able to determine if how many graduates have landed a job that is in line with their field of specialization.

The said application has also a job portal system that allows the administrators to post job in order to inform and help those graduates without yet a job. In addition, a SMS enabled communication is also embedded in the system in order to provide the graduates the important news even if they are not online.
Software Development Life Cycle
The Modified Waterfall Model is used by the researchers as a system development life cycle model. Every phase of the model indicates the specific task to be done to achieve the desired output. The result of phase 1 is the basis for a detailed set of requirements. The phases are also capable for changes, making the process change the cycle and step back from the previous phase wherein improvement and changes take place.
The modified waterfall model is the appropriate and effective procedure for the system development of Online Alumni Information System. The feedback became the basis for a good step forward in order to develop better software. However, progress is difficult to track the upcoming problems which lead to different decisions in which at the end correcting it will be more expensive. The System Development Life Cycle phases were requirements phase, analysis phase, design phase, coding phase, and the last was the testing phase.
PHPMyAdmin – This is a free software tool written in PHP, intended to handle the administration of MySQL over the Web. Frequently used operations (managing databases, tables, columns, relations, indexes, users, permissions, etc.) can be performed via the user interface, while you still have the ability to directly execute any SQL statement.
PHP – PHP is a server-side scripting language designed for web development to produce dynamic web pages but is also used as a general-purpose programming language.
UWAMP – it is an application package with Apache MySQL PHP and SQLite. It is a free and open source cross-platform web server package and provided with a management interface that lets you start or stop the server with one click.
Apache Server – Apache Server is open source software and is an established standard in the online distribution of websites. This is developed and maintained by an open community of developers under the auspices of the Apache Software Foundation and has a wide variety of software availability.
Operating System Platform
Ubuntu – A Debian-based Linux operating system, with Unity as its default desktop environment and composed of many software packages, the majority of which are free software.
Documentation and Presentation
Microsoft Office 2007 – This is the office tool that was used in documentation and presentation of the developed system.
System Modules
- Login, Logout, Change Password
- Can add, edit, and delete Staff
- Can view the Alumni Information
- Can add, edit, and delete College
- Can add, edit, and delete Course
- Can add, edit, and delete Jobs
- Can archive Jobs
- Notification when the alumnus applies to a Job SMS
- Can manage company location information
- Can add, edit, and delete company Details
- Can add, edit, and delete Forum replies and others
- Can add, edit and delete website announcements
- Can send message, reply and delete
Alumni / Applicant
- Login, Logout, Change Password
- Can apply to available Jobs
- Can notify if there is a job suited for you using SMS notification
- Can add, edit, and delete Past Education
- Can add, edit, and delete Skills
- Can add, edit, and delete languages
- Can add, edit, and delete Additional Information
- Can add, edit, and delete Work Experience
- Can send message, reply and delete
- Can View the application Status
- Can Upload a Resume
Screenshots of Online Alumni Tracer and Job Portal System with SMS Notification (in no particular order)

- The proponents highly recommend the implementation of the Online Alumni Tracer and Job Portal System with SMS Notification in order to provide the institution a database record system of their graduates.
- The institution needs to organize a technical working group that will manage the said system and to response to the queries and needs of the graduates.
- A further study might be conducted in order to test the effectiveness of the system and to address the issues and enhance the said application.
for the sourcecode and documentation you may contact the developer of the system
Patrick Tandoc Sarmiento