OJT and Internship Management System
Proposed System
Technology is the modern enabler of everything we want to do. Just by the use of it, people could easily do their jobs without hassle. Technology really has improved the way people live. It made impossible things become possible because of its advancement. People have utilized technology for convenience especially students and one of these is the system that could help them for their OJT and Internship.
The researcher of the system OJT and Internship Management System aimed to provide a platform to the student and employer where they could easily have a transaction for internship offers. The system has two sides, the user side and admin side. The admin can manage and view all the users and employers. The users can be both the student (internship finder) and the employer (internship provider). The students will register or log in their accounts so that they could browse for available internship employer. Also the employers should log in their accounts so that they could post or update any vacancy for an internship.

This system aimed to improve the manual system of finding and providing internships in which the students need to manually go and find for internship instead they will just sit and utilize the system for their convenience. This project aimed for a hassle-free way of finding and providing internship details.
System Implementation
To be able for the system to be successful, the researchers would present it to the end users along with a questionnaire that would evaluate the system. Having this evaluation would help the system to have further enhancement. In this evaluation, the user could give their suggestions and recommendation for the betterment of the system.
Objectives of the Study
- This project aim to help student find for internship in a convenient way.
- This is to enable internship provider to post for internship details up-to-date.
- To ease the management of the profiles of the internship finders and providers.
- To create system that would let the management easily monitor registered users who find and provide internship.
- To create a system that is very accessible by the users anytime.
- To provide fast, accurate and efficient way of displaying and searching for internships.
Significance of the Study
This project will benefit the following individuals or group:
Administrators. When the project becomes successful, the admins will be able to easily manage all the information of the internship finder and provider. There will be a smooth transaction between the users.
Students/Internship Finder. Using the system, students who are looking for internship can easily find one for the system will display the updates from the employers about any availability of positions for internship.
Employer/Internship Provider. Using the system, employers can easily find suitable interns for their vacancy. It will be easier for them to find right candidates for their companies. Posting updates for their vacancy will be very convenient.
Proponents. If this project succeeds, the proponents will be benefited. They will know thoroughly how the system operates accurately.
Project Plan/ SDLC
The researcher used software development life cycle (SDLC) in this project.
First, the researchers determine the project requirements. This is where researchers determine the requirements of the proposed system such as software and hardware to be used. Next, the researchers gather data through conducting an interview to the management office to determine the important information needed for the system.
Then, the researchers analyzed the data gathered from the management office. This is to be able to identify the necessary information needed for the development of the system. And then, the researchers design the system basing on the requirements specified. This is where the design of the system is presented in a detailed and organized manner. Lastly, the researchers encode the codes while keeping in mind the previously defined requirements. It is also performed in this stage the debugging process to determine the flaws of the codes and enhance the performance of the system. In this stage, the researchers make sure that the software work flow is stable.
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