Motorcycle Tracking With GPS Using Android
Proposed System
The researchers of the system entitled Motorcycle Tracking With GPS Using Android aimed to provide motorcycle users a precautionary measures for the safety of their vehicles.According to a research, the crimes involving vehicle is rampant, this activity is increasing, particularly the theft cases of motorcycles. This project uses android to track motorcycles. This is a system that can determine the exact location of the motorcycle. The tracking system of the motorcycle with GPS is to lead the owner of the motorcycles be aware about the safety of their vehicles for thieves had a chance to steal a motorcycle that does not have a good security. Motorcycle nowadays that does not have a security are prone in losing in public places. This system can be use just by using the owner’s smart phones, the users only need to use the tracking device to their motorcycle for it can provide the exact location of their motorcycle through their phones for security purposes.

The proposed system which is Motorcycle Tracking With GPS Using Android can create awareness to the people, installing the tracking device to the motorcycle through the use of smart phone is a big help, the owner will be worry less about their vehicles for they know where to locate it. The connection that happened between these devices can produce a smart system by using the Global Positioning System (GPS).
System Implementation
To be able to improve the operation of the system, the researchers will be needing the evaluation of the end users. The researchers should provide questionnaire that would be answered by the users for the betterment of the system. The users will provide answers, clarifications and difficulties that might be encountered upon operating the system. This evaluation would lead to further enhancement and improvement of the system.
Objectives of the Study
- To implement the tracking system of the motorcycle that can give an exact location to application user.
- 2. To provide security of the motorcycle.
- 3. To create a system that is very reliable in handling the safety of the vehicles.
- To let users easily find their vehicles.
- To let the users have an assurance about the safety of their motorcycles
Significance of the study
The following individual or groups will benefit from this project:
User/Owner. If the project will be successful , the users will be highly benefited for they will be the one who will be utilizing this system. Using the tracking system the owner will easily find their motorcycle. This is a hassle-free for them and beyond that they are free from hassle is the assurance that their motorcycles are in safety.
Proponents.The proponents will significantly benefit from it. This is to make them fully aware and wise to understand their work.
Project Plan/ SDLC
In this study, the researchers must used the software development life cycle (SDLC) the overall process of the software development that consists of six cycles.
The first step that the researchers have done for this project is to determine the project requirements. This is where the researchers determine the requirements of the proposed system. In this stage, the researchers decide what software and hardware to use. After determining the requirements needed, then the researchers proceed to the second step which is data gathering. This is done through conducting an interview to the management office to determine the important information needed for the system. After gathering the important data, then the researchers will analyze the data to be able to identify the necessary information needed for the development of the system. After identifying the necessary information for the development, then the researchers will design the system basing on the requirements specified. In this stage, the researchers will present the design of the system in a detailed and organized manner. Lastly, after designing the system, the coding phase will start. The researchers will encode the codes in accordance to the previously defined requirements. In this stage the researchers will make sure the stability of the software.
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