Mobile Based Year Book Gallery App Capstone Project
Table of Contents
The capstone project entitled “Mobile Based Year Book Gallery App” is a platform wherein School Year Books will be available using mobile technology. The application will serve as an online gallery of school yearbooks for easy and convenient access by the students and school staffs.

Yearbooks compile memories of events and people involved in a specific school during a given year. In a manual way of compiling a year book, loads of paper works will be involved. Collecting significant photos and events that happened during the school year to be included in the year book is quiet hard due to physical barriers. Also, in the conventional way, productions of yearbooks through hard copy are quiet costly and time consuming. The conventional way is very inefficient and inconvenient for both the students and the staffs involved.
Proposed Solution
This capstone project will eliminate the above mentioned problems by designing and developing a platform wherein year books will be available and accessible. The system application has a feature wherein the students and the staffs can view and reminisce memories from the year book without seeking for a hard copy. The application will also serve as a repository of photos and events for easy compilation. The system will reduce the cost and time consumed in producing a copy of a year book.
Objectives of the Study
General Objective – the main goal of this capstone project is to provide a mobile based platform for the school yearbooks easy accessibility and availability.
The specific objectives are the following:
- To develop a system that will help the college management, staff and student alumni have an easy access to schools year book.
- Design and develop a mobile based application that will help for the availability of the year book.
- To provide schools a platform that would let organization of year books convenient.
- The output of the project can provide fast and efficient way of accessing year books.
Significance of the Study
The following groups or individual will benefit from the project:
Academic Institutions. Different academic institutions would be highly benefited for this will help them in managing schools year book and making it available to a more accessible way.
Users. The users of this system like students and alumni will be benefited for they will have an easy access to the year book.
Researchers. Capstone project of information technology is a course or subject that will test the skills of the researchers. The researchers will use their knowledge in the field of research and computer programming as well. The success of the capstone project will contribute to their knowledge and skills as the researchers.
Future Researchers. The output of the capstone project is very important to the next batch of researchers. Completed documents of this capstone project can be a source of literature. The source code or the system will serve as their guide if they wish to upgrade the system or if they want to pursue similar study.
Development Tools
Core features of the project focuses on the implementation of a mobile based application for yearbook. The said application is not purely mobile; it has also a server where administrators can update the contents of the yearbook application. Kotlin or Java will be used for the development of the mobile application. The web panel of the project will be designed and developed in PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap.
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