Mobile Based Water Ordering and Delivery Application Chapter 2
A review of related literature and studies are the theories which the researchers use to explain the existence of a research problem and use as bases in analyzing relationship between variables can be generated from reference books and of collecting, selecting and reading books, journals, reports, abstract, and other reference materials.
Related Literature
Eleks’ Android-Based Delivery Tracking System
According to ELEKS, developed and delivered an android application designed to improve the distribution process of delivering medical equipment to insured people. Each of the customer’s couriers is equipped with Android tablet loaded with Delivery Process Control application. The application communicates with the dedicated server via SOAP-based protocol. Processed delivery orders can be synchronized later with server when network becomes available. When the courier delivers ordered equipment from the company, the receiving party “signs” with his or her signature in a designated field to confirm a delivery directly on the Android tablet. This signature is then processed as an image, attached to order, and later a PDF document is generated (with the client’s signature as image) on the android device. Furthermore, this generated PDF document is then transmitted to server-side (via SOAP) and system changes the order status to “Delivered” (

Vehicle Tracking System Employing Global Positioning System (GPS) Satellites
According to Alison K. Brown et al. (2003), tracking system employing global positioning system (GPS) satellites provides extremely accurate position, velocity, and time information for vehicles or any other animate or inanimate object within any mobile radio communication system or information system, including those operating in high rise urban areas. The tracking system includes a sensor mounted on each object, a communication link, a workstation, and a GPS reference receiver. Differential corrections may also be provided at the workstation to increase the accuracy of the object location determination. In normal operation, three satellite measurements are required to compute the location of the object, but for a short time period a minimum of two satellite measurements are acceptable with time, altitude, and map aiding information being provided by the workstation.
Mobile Food Ordering Application Using Android OS Platform
According to Michael Yosep Ricky et al. (2014), the growing number of restaurants makes restaurant development more competitive. Therefore, all restaurants keep improving their quality of service; one of the services is delivery order. Delivery order service offered by a number of restaurants is by making order through mobile phone. By following the technology development, some popular restaurants offered website as a choice for making orders in online mode. Moreover, not all ordering food websites provide pictures and menus descriptions for its customer (
Online Hotel Parcel and Payment System Using GPS and Android
Based on the journal of Computer Engineering (2014), with the world going online for purchasing their day to day basic things the need of clubbing GPS based services with other important sectors of the economy such as retail, hotel industry is the need of the fast becoming world. We would like to use location based services to help user to find good restaurants from its current place. Here we would like to propose location based food ordering and parcel system which will help user to place order from its location and save his/her time by making him the facility of paying his incurred amount online. Ones the user places his/her order, the application on the client side forwards the order to the server for checking the if the order is viable or not. After the order is verified by the server, a message is sent to the restaurant administrator consisting of the order and the delivery address of the user. Once the order is ready, the order is dispatched to the user/client with the process getting completed on receiving the delivery of the ordered food. Application also supports feedback and reviews which will be helpful to restaurants to improve their food and services quality ( PP 76-81).
Prior Art
Food Feast Application Using Android through GPS
According to Rajmohan.C et al.(2016), Food Feast is an Android (Android Google API 1.5 or higher) based Mobile Food Ordering Application. This application allows customers to keep accounts with the food court in order to make frequent ordering convenient. Food Feast consists of four modulus, they are Login module: it is used to set the customer details, Items Display module: it is used to display the number of items to the customer, Order Tracking module: it is used to track the food using GPS, Feedback module: it is used to improve the service and know the satisfaction level using Digital Signature. A quality of service has to be improved such as order the food using mobile phone and delivery it to the customer (
The researchers learned that in ordering goods the customer’s needs to login for the data of the users like the proposed system that the customers must register for allowing the clients to use the application. By the help of GPS the food feast is tracked. It gives ideas to the researchers to improve the developed system.
This project entitled “Mobile Based Water Ordering and Delivery Application” was aimed to be implemented and replace the current procedure which is done manually. It will improve the services of Water Refilling Station. The related studies, helped the researchers to gather information and knowledge about the system that are going to develop and implement. The following are the listed information and data adopted from the related studies. This helps the researchers to identify the problem about ordering and delivering goods in such an easy way. It helps the customers in locating the order quickly. It minimizes the disturbance of the respondents doing every day.
Credits to the authors/developers of the project
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