Mobile Based Voting Application for Android and IOS
The project entitled Mobile Based Voting System is an application that can be installed on both android and ios devices. It was written in Ionic a Cross-Platform Mobile App Development.
This chapter deals with the different literature and studies based on different sources such as books and internet that are related to the proposed system. The following related literature and studies convey the readers about their knowledge and established their ideas that have been on a topic. It may also contain different theories that were found important in making and helped the researchers to develop the proposed system.

Related Studies
Online Election System
According to Abdul Aziz (2011), this study is to boost the turnout of votes in order to view all the aspects responsible for low turnout. A second purpose is to make it more difficult to commit fraud and cheating during an election. To analyze the current election system and suggest an online election system which will allow people to cast votes in a more convenient way, by using available
resources which could facilitate the voters during elections. The system proposed in this thesis will not just convert the current manual system to an electronic equivalent but will be possible to run in parallel with the current system and thus make it easier for the people who are not able to cast their votes due to different reasons as related. This online system will be helpful for casting votes by different electronic ways. People will be able to cast votes through their home PC and Net‐cafes. (
Campus E-Voting for Android and Web Based Application
According to Prashant Pandit and (2014), this system proposed an online e-voting system which can tackle all earlier issues that were encountered in a conventional voting system. The system maintains integrity of the voting process from the minute the voter casts his/her vote until the cast vote is registered. While observing fully-fledged voting transparency, the system is capable of denying access to any unauthorized voter and also prevents multiple votes from same voter. Due to option of viewing candidate profile the voters get easily acquainted with the candidates. The system also facilitates the communication between candidate and voter. With the use of the e-voting system, as the one proposed in this paper, many of the issues that have challenged traditional voting systems in the past are thus resolved.
Philippines Smart App Voting System a Mobile Voting System
According to Jenny Lyn V. Abamo and (2016), the main goal of mobile application voting system is to eliminate the long queue in the precincts, paper ballots, vote interruption due to power lost, unsecured data transfer, violence in actual voting area, and mass requirement of manpower for vote process. As experienced by the researchers, a system in Singapore is great to adapt in the country. And that is, the registration of sim card per mobile user. Once a person purchased a SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) card it will be registered using the passport number. If the SIM card we used is registered per person then we can take that advantage in many ways. Like avoid frauds, theft, and other crimes. Since the major requirement to vote is the individual to be registered, the voters ID and the SIM card will be the unique identifier for the registration to be able to vote on the mobile application. Voter’s registration will be open on the designated dates set by the COMELEC (Commission on Election). Renewal of the registration is required every year to ensure that the person is still residing in the country and not deceased. Mobile voting is through internet connection or data network. This technology will be efficient and reliable.
Designing, developing and testing a mobile phone voting system in the South African context
According to Noluntu Mpekoa (2012), the systems goal was to design an efficient and effective system that allows the voters to instantly cast a vote without the limit of time and place. We developed an application that is installed on user mobile phones, which is simple for everyone to use.
This research forms a guideline for election generals in developing a fully functional system that has the potential to increase voter turnout and participation. This research is also a ground work for the research for their PhD project; the researcher will focus on mobile phone voting system security, as this is the major key to winning voters trust.
Prior Arts
Mobile Phone Voting System
Mobile Phone Voting System (), this application provides a new technique of casting votes using mobile phones. Android voting system is an application developed for android devices to deploy an easy and flexible way of casting votes anytime and from anywhere. The application is especially developed for organizations to get employees votes for any new policy regulation or issues. The issues or arguments are fed into the system by the admin. Employees can then cast their vote as yes or no. One voter can only post one vote for an argument. Each and every vote
casted is stored in the database for the respective argument. At the end of the voting process the system counts the total votes and generates a brief report of it to the admin. Thus the app helps the company to get proper feedback of the employees.
According to Morine Gakii Gitonga (), the system provides facilities of User Registration for Online Voting and many other facilities. It enables the voter to create an account and cast a vote online and ensure transparency. The system will be able to allow the students to create an account and provide friendly graphical Interface to ensure ease of use when end users utilize system functionality. Usability of system will provide documentation to inform users of system functionality and any change to the system. Support response time for addressing severe issues in less time. Allow the administrator (voting officer) to manage candidates such as adding contestants and removing contestants. The system should also send voting results to students.
Through the help of these different related studies and literature, the use of mobile/Android phones and the different voting system. The researchers can have additional knowledge and idea to what they already know in developing the proposed system. Moreover, the related studies will serve as guide for the researchers on how to develop a non-existing system with unique features which will help the Students to cast their votes easily, fastest and effective.
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