Mobile Based Task Scheduler with Notification Application
Senior High Students are relatively similar to first-year students and thus experiencing comparative tasks to them. Time management problems became the main concern for the Senior High School (STEM) students. Due to several subject areas accompanied by various tasks each subject; plus numerous consecutive quizzes, summative and chapter tests, multitasking can be evident and a factor to the students difficulty in time management. Other personal tasks except these would include things such as leisure activities, household chores, assignments, outputs and other things a student does. Difficulties in time management also involve students’ procrastination attitude.

Significance of the Study
The result of this study will be of great significance to the following:
School. Since one of the school problems faced by the students is difficulty in time management, the application can be a useful tool to be used by the school and introduce it to students in Junior High School. This could help the school through increasing productivity rate among students aimed at producing high quality pioneers.
Teachers. Time management of students on school works depend upon the tasks assigned to them by the teachers. This can also be beneficial to teachers since the main goal of this is to manage the time of students towards their tasks through an application. This may lessen teachers’ problem regarding difficulties and malfunctions of students in terms of their scores in quizzes and exams, outputs and school works.
Parents. The results and output of this study may help parents upon monitoring and encouraging their children to implement and practice effective time management not only limited in schools including academic matters but also in their homes.
Students. The product of this study may help students monitor of all their tasks and to develop time management to which they can use as their basis to effectively perform and accomplish their tasks without difficulties. This may also assist them to develop time management skills among themselves and to help them to be organized and promote productivity.
Future Researchers. This study may serve as a reference material for the anticipated researchers that wish to develop and conduct similar study.
Development Tools: JQuery Mobile, LocalStorage, Apache Cordova