Problems Encountered
Restaurants nowadays commonly use manual system of getting customer’s orders through waiters. Waiters, most of the times pay a lot of time listing down all the orders of the customers. Due to this, human error, by means of wrong listing of orders, may occur especially if the customers are enumerating their orders too fast or if the waiter doesn’t hear the orders correctly. Also, if the order listing is written down incorrectly, wrong billing amount will also incur. As a result, customer dissatisfaction to the restaurant will inflict.

Proposed Solution
This study aims to provide an aid for restaurant management to easily and accurately get customers’ orders from their menu list. It also aims to give the restaurant owners an ease in terms of customer service. This application will provide the restaurant’s menu with pricelist and the running bill for the selected menu items. It will also provide an aid to print the receipt once the upon customer’s bill-out request by means of local Wi-Fi connection.
Features of the Application
Develop an Mobile Based Ordering Menu Application with Admin Panel with the following features:
- Manage list of menus with prices available for that day
- Able to simultaneously show the customer’s running bill upon clicking on the desired menu item.
- Able to provide an option to give the customers a personalize way of ordering their preferred dishes by allowing them to view the menu items on an mobile device and click first-hand what are the specific items that they want.
- Capable of providing the customers the ability to delete menu items if ever they change their mind.
- Capable of giving the customers the ability to modify the specific menu item if ever they wish to customize how their dish will be done by providing a special instructions button.
- Able to provide order confirmation. The customer will be asked by the application to review their chosen menu items and once finalized; they can confirm that this is the final order.
- Capable of showing the final breakdown of orders.
- Able to print the receipt via printer through wifi connection.
Beneficiary of the Mobile Based Ordering Menu Application with Admin Panel
The Restaurant Management – the system will provide a real time report of income, inventory and most ordered menu for that day.
The Waiters, Staff and Cashiers – it will lessen their workload, and at the same time they can provide quality service to their customers.
The Customers – this will provide them an option to personalize the way of ordering their preferred dishes by allowing them to view the menu items on an android-based operating system device and click first-hand what are the specific items and quantity that they want.
Development Tools
For mobile development
You can use android studio (java programming for native development), or you can develop the app using the hybrid development tools such as html, css, javascript, apache cordova or phonegap.
For admin panel
PHP, MySQL Bootstrap and other web development tools (ajax, jquery)