Mobile Based Grocery Maker and Checklist Application
Proposed System
Technology of todays has really a great contribution in every day to day routine and regimes of individuals. Technology makes individual life and works easy. In household chores, technology also provides easiness for people to perform such specific tasks. With the brilliant mind of people inventing something just to provide easy and fast performance for that task to be done. The researcher of the system entitled Mobile Based Grocery Maker and Checklist Application even provide system that could help millions of people especially those who struggling in making grocery routines. This system would think others as simple and exaggerate to have since making grocery is one of the simplest job but researchers only aimed to provide a platform that could make users, reduce their burden in doing household chores. The system is consist of feature which can help people doing their grocery regimes, first thing is, this application will have its grocery shopping list reminder so that people can create of their needs and to keep users be reminded when they are run out of grocery. This application also provides bar code scanner and track spending; bar code scanner helps users to find the price of the product in a minimal amount of time and effort. This proposed system is for the convenient of users on making grocery. The proponents of the system made some improvements, from making grocery in a manual process, to computerize and mobilized process. The changes made some users to lessen their burden and effort on tallying making list, and finding a price of each of the product, since all of that has been provided the application. This proposed system, let the users, create their own list and make their grocery experience nicer.

System Implementation
This System Implementation was intended for the end users, making their grocery personalized experiences of the users. To ensure that this project will be successful, some procedures has been produced, the researchers provides questionnaire in order to answer questions, provides as well a clarification regarding on the proposed system and last is finding difficulties while operating the system.
Objectives of the study
- To provide an application that is user and environmental friendly interface.
- To create a project which can help minimize user’s time at the grocery store?
- To make users feel comfortable upon making groceries, no hassle and no burden.
- So that users can make budgeting when making grocery, it is more efficient.
- To provide a platform for lessening the household that a woman does every day.
Significance of the Study
The admin and users can benefit from this system:
Admin. Having such feature in the application grocery, usage of the application will goes high and if this happen, then profit for the company will also grow, so is the salary of the admin. If this system performs well, then the satisfaction of the users will be excellent, which is also advantage for the admins.
Users. In making grocery making need to have patient, since it is time consuming, hassle and you need to exert effort, which leads on people not to perform other household task. But this system was implemented to ease that kinds of problem, the users will no longer feel devastated upon making grocery because everything need in order to be easy in making the grocery.

Project Plan/SDLC
In this proposed system, the researchers use the SDLC model, which consist the six cycles.
First phase is determining the project requirement. The researchers would choose whether its software or hardware will be used. After the researcher made its decision, will proceeds to the second phase which is, to gather data; in order to a gather all the relevant data he researcher must conduct interview to the management office. Next, after researchers gathered all the important information for the development of the system, they will now analyze it; they will analyze the data in order for them to identify all the information needed for the development of the system. After that the designing phase will takes place, in this cycle the researchers will design the system regarding on the requirement specified, the design created in detailed. After the designing phase, the coding phase starts, in order to build the system, the researchers should perform the last cycle. This is where the researchers will encode all the codes for checking if there is error or the program will be successfully debugged. This last process will ensure if the system is stable or not.
Development Tool:
- PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap for web application
- JQuery Mobile and Phonegap Build for mobile application
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