Mobile Based Event Tabulation Review of Related Literature
The project entitled Mobile Based Event Tabulation is an application that can be installed on both android and ios devices. The said project has two main components; the admin/dashboard module and the tabulation module. Admin module can be accessed by the administrator wherein the admin can encode the list of criteria’s for judging and as well as the judge information including the user and password. Tabulation module can be accessed by the different judges registered in the application.
Framework 7 and Apache Cordova were used to design and develop the mobile based event tabulation.
This document/article contains the related literature about Mobile Based Events Tabulation System as the core components, the related concepts Prior Art and Synthesis.
Related Literature
Android Based Events Tabulation System
According to Waqas Ahmed on Feb.2014 Android based Event tabulation (2014) Task automation has become quite popular among mobile users thanks to apps like Tasked. Tasked allows you to configure different scenarios based on current location, time, event and so on, and automatically trigger different actions based on those scenarios. For instance, if you want your phone to automatically switch to silent mode when connected for charging, or need to turn off Wi-Fi when you’re on the road, you can easily achieve that using Tasker. This Mobile-based events tabulation System is if you have a technology or have an application it is easy for the users to give score and calculate the score of every contestant in every category.
Statistical Export and Tabulation System
According to this website Statistical Export and Tabulation System (SETS) by: Clifton Road Atlanta give data users the tools to access and manipulate large data files on their personal computers. SETS 2.0 have been optimized for use with Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT.
Users can order the SETS Designer Kit, which contains software to create, build, and edit large data sets, as well as the SETS Interface. Users may also choose to install only the SETS Interface to access data already in SETS.

Electric Tabulation System
According to H. Hollerith this website the Electric tabulation System (2014) who have not come directly in contact with a census office, can form any adequate idea of the labor involved in the compilation of a census of 50,000,000 persons, as was the case in the last census, or of over 62,000,000, as will be the case
In the census to be taken in June, 1890. The fact, however, that Congress at its last session in “An Act to provide for the taking of the eleventh and subsequent censuses,” fixes the maximum cost of the next or eleventh census, exclusive of printing and engraving, at $6,400,000, will perhaps impress one with some idea of the magnitude of such an undertaking.
Although our population is constantly increasing, and although at each census more complicated combinations and greater detail are required in the various compilations, still, up to the present time, substantially the original method of compilation has been employed; that of making tally-marks in small squares and then adding and counting such tally-marks.
While engaged in work upon the tenth census, the writer’s attention was called to the methods employed in the tabulation of population statistics and the .enormous expense involved. These methods were at the time described as “barbarous, some machine ought to be devised for the purpose of facilitating, such tabulations. This led the writer to a thorough study of the details of the methods used, which were no doubt the most approved ever employed in compiling a census. After a careful consideration of the many problems involved and considerable experimenting on quite a large scale, the method which forms the subject of this paper is confidently offered as a means for facilitating this work. Work of a census can be divided into two main branches: that of enumeration, and that of compilation or tabulation.
Public Test of Vote Tabulation System
According to the order of the Cuyahoga County board of election this website the test conducted May 16, 2014 at 9:30 a.m. in the Ballot Tabulation Center of the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections Warehouse, 1890 East 40th Street, Cleveland, OH 44103. The test is open to the public. Public Test of Vote Tabulation System (2014) automatic tabulating equipment will be tested to demonstrate the accuracy of the vote tabulation system.
Kofoid tabulation system
According to “Kofoid” tabulation system developed by: Kofoid (1907b, c, 1909, 1911a) and employing four landmarks: the sulcus, the cingulum, the apex (usually determined by the apical pore complex), and the ant apex. The plates immediately anterior to the cingulum constitute the precingular series; the plates immediately posterior to the cingulum constitute the post Cingular series; the plates contacting the apical pore complex make up the apical series; and the plates in the region of the ant apex constitute the ant apical series.
Agjudgetayon –Automated pageant scoring and Tabulation System
According to Fedena MIT (2015) Automated pageant scoring and tabulation System Developed at the University of Northern Philippines for use in the Miss CCIT (College of Communication and Information Technology) Pageant and the University wide Miss UNP Pageant. Allows any number of judges to enter their scores for varying rounds throughout the pageant. Upon completing each round, and ultimately the pageant, PDF reports can be generated
And printed the reports have lines for the judges to sign indicating that their scores are accurate. This ensures a complete paper trail of the final pageant results.
Basketball Scoring System
According to this website on Nov. (2014) basketball Scoring System they say “We are providing the professional basketball scoring and timing system”. The system includes: professional scoring software, referee controller, 24s shot clock, possession arrow screen, rebounds light, etc. We are also providing the extended systems, like Sports Live Video System, Sports Stats System, and Venues Advertising System. They can be combined together for a modern basketball game; our system has been used by FIBA games all over the world. It’s powerful and easy to use and maintain
Bid Tabulation System
According to Juperter Garland (2014) the Bid tabulations System showing bids received on a given bid request will be posted here. Click on the appropriate bid number to review that tabulation. Bid tabulations will remain posted for a year or until a new bid on the item/service is approved.
MObile-based event tabulation system process and calculate the scores rendered by each users and provides a lesser time and effort in generating the event tabulation. The system helps a lot to the judges which are the one who process the scores in event. Event tabulation system using application technology provides automating in terms of calculating the scores rendered by its user. Considering this an automated, it makes the work of the user fast, less paper work and less efficient.
The mobile-based event tabulation system using application in enables the automatic calculation of the scores rendered by it user. Through this the changing time will not happen in the process is fast and accurate. The application tabulates the event of the scores of each category of every event. Is a prime necessity for computing wages and the time.
Events of scores can be present more quickly and accurately this system use application technology log in/out of each user; in line of this the time will be track accurately and provide efficient and fast result generating the score.
The proposed Mobile-based tabulation system focuses on the calculation of scores in different category in the event providing efficient and reliable computation. tabulation events using the application technology gives accurate reliable data study helps a lot of a user in this; the awareness of the user who process the events tabulation will be given an answer because of the mobile-based event tabulation system. The application provides accurate faster and efficient event tabulation. In addition, it provides a green light to the researcher to make the system.
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