Mobile Based E-Prescribing App with Admin Panel
Table of Contents
Introduction of the Study
“Mobile Based E-Prescribing App with Admin Panel” is a capstone project that allows prescribers to electronically issue prescription to patients as well as submit the details to pharmacy computers. The application will enhance the safety and quality of prescribing processes.

At present, drug prescriptions are experiencing many obstacles in using the manual method. Manually, drugs are prescribed through paper-based and handwritten which errors would highly occur. Errors such wrong drug prescription, misinterpretation of handwritten prescription drugs by doctors, mistake in determining drug dosage and spend a longtime getting medicine. Human error in drug prescription is often caused by heavy workload, workforce shortages, and exhaustion in health-care organizations. To overcome this, innovation is needed so that errors in drug prescription can be minimized.
Proposed Solution
The researchers will design and create a system that automates drug prescription to solve the above-mentioned problem encountered in the conventional drug prescription. The mobile-based e-prescribing app will replace paper prescriptions by allowing the generation, delivery, and filling of prescriptions. Prescribers can now electronically submit prescription details to pharmacy computers using e-prescribing. This procedure has resulted in less call-back from pharmacies to doctors for clarification, as well as less prescription and drug errors.
Objectives of the Study
General Objective – the main goal of the project is to develop a system that will allow physicians to electronically prescribe drugs to patients in order to avoid errors.
Specific Objectives
The following are the specific objectives of the project:
- To develop a mobile-based application that will enhance the accuracy and safety in drug prescriptions.
- The application will electronically send prescriptions to designated pharmacies for correct interpretations.
- Output of the application will store patient history of drug intakes to avoid drug errors.
- The application will produced time and cost savings for all parties involved.
- To design an application that is accurate, reliable and convenient to use.
- To find out the challenges in the implementation and utilization of the mobile application.
- Complete the development of the system according to the timeframe or project schedule.
Significance of the Study
The success of the project is deemed beneficial to the following individuals or groups:
Patients. The application will help them receive accurate drugs for their illness and diseases. Misinterpretation in their prescriptions will be avoided.
Physicians/Doctors. The application will help them prescribe correct drugs to their patients and will let them electronically send the prescription to the pharmacies.
Pharmacies/Pharmacist. They will not encounter difficulties in interpreting the prescribe drugs to the patients.
Researchers. The success of the project will contribute to their knowledge as programmers.
Future Researchers. They can use this study as a reference in developing helpful programs especially in medical field.
Development Tools of the project
The proposed mobile based e-prescribing application is a web and mobile based project. Web version or the admin panel of the system is where the user (doctor and pharmacist) can upload and update information. PHP, MySQL or MariaDB and Bootstrap will be used in the web panel. Mobile application of the project can be created in Java, Kotlin, React Native, Progressive web application or PWA and other mobile application development tools.
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