Title of the project: Mobile Based Complaints and Feedback Application
At present, there is already an exceptional excellence in technological innovations. A lot of innovations are done to help people perform well in their daily queries. One of these is the development of various mobile application that performs a specific task. Nowadays, educational institutions are in need of technological innovation that could help them collect the views of students on the involvement in learning and teaching through reviews or feedbacks. To rate and analyze the performance of the faculty and services offered in school, an Online Student Feedback System is going to be developed. Student Feedback System is a system based that collects students feedback regarding on the different services offered by school/institution.

This project aims to provide a fully automated system that would collect students’ reviews, feedbacks and suggestions about the performance of the school’s faculties. This project also aims to provide a system that would allow the collection of feedbacks in an easy and quick manner not only saves a lot of time but also gives fast results on the basis of results given by the students.
Significance of the Study
School’s Administrators and Staff. This system would reduce strenuous work of physically examining the feedback pages of each and every student as well as reduces the effort and burden of keeping and maintaining records in a manual form. The administrators will also be updated always about where the faculty are lacking in their teachings and make some improvements.
Students. The students will be hassle-free just by using this system since they can give their feedback according to their convenience and time and there is no need to use of extra things like paper, pen etc. Compared to the manual system of giving feedbacks, this system would let student give feedbacks faster. The manual system required more time to do a piece of work that’s the reason why this is system is going to be develop.

Method of Research
The researchers used the developmental method of research in this study.
The Developmental Method of Research has been defined as a systematic study of designing, developing and evaluating instructional programs, processes, and products that must meet the criteria of internal consistency and effectiveness (eric.ed.gov).
Areas of investigation and development: mobile and web application development
Development Tools: JQuery Mobile, Phonegap Build, PHP, MySQL, Bootstrap
Wamp Server – is a mini web server that runs on almost any windows operating system. It has Apache, PHP (SMTP ports are disabled), and MySQL (phpMyAdmin and SQLite manager are installed to manage the user’s databases) pre-installed. (www.tech-faq.com).
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