Mobile Based (Android, IOS) Faculty Evaluation with Online Admin Panel
Academic Institutions value the quality of the teaching. It is very important to encourage the faculty members to understand the concept of effective teaching, to use those approaches, to develop new approaches of teaching, to use innovative develop and learning methodology and to implement leading edge technology in the classroom where appropriate.
Faculty evaluation will help the administrators and as well as the teachers themselves to identify and to support effective teaching and provide the state college community with information about student perception of the quality of instruction.
The departments of every academic institution used to have a process of manual evaluation system. The research coordinators manage/conduct the manual system and the other staffs of research and development office are the one who compute the results of evaluation. During the process, it takes time to do all paper works and get the validity of results. There are also some instances that some documents are being misplaced and lack of security.
The Mobile Based (Android, IOS) Faculty Evaluation with Online Admin Panel will improve the current system of the organization. The documents will be encrypted and users can gain knowledge using android phones. The works will be much more accurate and reliable because of the new system that we proposed.

The purpose of the study is to develop, evaluate and implement the proposed system that will help the organization in providing a system thru developing Mobile Based (Android, IOS) Faculty Evaluation with Online Admin Panel. The project presents a new aspect of developing the study including on the different criteria of evaluating teachers. Through android phones it can make the school effective and efficient in terms of technology.
The main objective of this study is to design and develop a Mobile Based (Android, IOS) Faculty Evaluation with Online Admin Panel that will replace the manual process of evaluation for academic institutions.
The aim of the study is to design and develop Mobile Based (Android, IOS) Faculty Evaluation with Online Admin Panel to:
- To create a centralized record of faculty evaluation results
- To convert the paper based evaluation into an information system that can be accessed by mobile phones.
- To provide an accurate and reliable reports
Mobile Based (Android, IOS) Faculty Evaluation with Online Admin Panel will be significant to the following:
Departments and Colleges: It’s easy for them to manage the evaluation by using our system. Evaluation can, and should, however, be used as an ongoing management and learning tool to improve an organization’s effectiveness. Well-run organizations and effective programs are those that can demonstrate the achievement of results. Results are derived from good management. Good management is based on good decision making. Good decision making depends on good information. Good information requires good data and careful analysis of the data. These are all critical elements of evaluation.
THE RESEARCHERS: Allows the researchers to have opportunity of constructing a Mobile Based (Android, IOS) Faculty Evaluation with Online Admin Panel for academic institution. It helps the researcher enhance their skills through Android, java programming and web design and development.
FUTURE RESEARCHERS: This study can be further enhance by future researchers and developers that will conduct the same type of study that implements a mobile application with web admin panel.
System Flow:
Before the students can evaluate the teachers, he/she needs to install the application. During the log in process, respondents will use their Id No. to access on this system. We used XAMPP Server to provide a support for creating and manipulating database and to provide a connection to the server and mobile device. The Programming languages that we use are, HTML 5, PHP and JavaScript. We use the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) styling and designing for our system.
The Process of this Evaluation System allows the respondents to log in and choose a category in evaluating a teacher. The respondents can also identify the course and the name of the teachers they want to evaluate.
Development Tools:
PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap for web development
Java, Swift for mobile application development
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