Mobile Application for Library Resource Materials
Proposed System
Every school should have its own libraries, for it assists student’s educational process. But considering the time, most of today’s students didn’t lend a time and utilize libraries for some factors. Some are lazy on finding books and rather staying at home doing assignments, and prefer scrolling internet than scheming books. Thus, the researchers of the system entitled Mobile Application for Library Resource Materials tried to give solutions to the arise problem. The researchers only aim to revert the eagerness of students to stay in the library and to study. They relate it from todays, they make it more high tech, means all the processes of that certain library will be mobile application based which is easy for the both parties.
The researchers made some improvements from the current system. The current system failed the student’s interest and willingness to visit and study. Also in the part of the librarian, their works getting weight and weight time to time due to manual processing. So the researchers improve everything and didn’t leave a hole.

The operation of this system is that, students could now borrow books through their mobile application, they can check if that books they’ve wanted is available and also they can sight the exact location of the books so that they would not feel exhausted on finding the books. Additionally the librarian will input all the books available including its location and the borrowing process could also be transact in the given system. Overall this system makes the process and transaction easy and fast.
System Implementation
This system implementation was presented for the end users and admins. The researcher made some technique in order to have a successful outcome for the project; they provide questionnaires to answers all questions, clarification and difficulties upon operating the system.
Objectives of the study
One of the goals of this study is to lessen physical labour for the librarians and other library staffs and reduce also human errors. Another objective is to implement a mobile application based system that the libraries that use to overcome challenges just like in processing and giving services. Additionally, to fill in the missing gap that the current system lacks to provide. Last is to provide a platform that would go back the interest of students to visit and study in the library.
Significance of the Study
The following individuals or group will gain benefit from this proposed system:
School: If the school would be implement this system in the library, and then the students and parents satisfactions will result excellent they will feel secure about the educational process of their children.
Librarians: they would now take less effort on maintaining the records of students borrowing books and they can also monitor who (person) and what (books) are been borrowed. Another benefit they will gain in this system is that they would not feel hassle in entertaining every student’s questions regarding on the books locations.
Students: Students will love this system, for it makes everything easy for them, they cam just search if there is available books or the location of every books in the library.

Project Plan/SDLC
In this proposed system, the proponents use the SDLC model to develop the proposed system, which consist the six cycles.
First phase is determining the project requirement. In this phase the researchers will choose what requirement will be used, whether its software or hardware.
After the researcher chose, the proponents proceeds to the second phase which is, to gather data; in this phase the researcher conducts interview to the management office to collect information.
Third, they will analyse the data so that they can identify all the information needed for the development of the system.
After that the designing phase will takes place, in this cycle the researchers will design the system regarding on the requirement specified, the design created in detailed.
After the designing phase, the coding phase starts, in order to build the system, the researchers should perform the last cycle. This is where the researchers will encode all the codes for checking if there is error or the program will be successfully debugged. This last process will ensure if the system is stable or not.
Development Tools:
- PHP, MariaDB and Bootstrap for the web application
- JQuery Mobile and Phonegap Build for mobile application
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