Mobile App Hotel Reservation System with SMS Notification using iTexMo API
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Technological innovations help hotel owners cope up with the fast-growing competition in the hotel industry. Hotels adapt the use of computerized systems and applications to automate the processes of their transactions and services offered.
The capstone project, “Mobile App Hotel Reservation System with SMS Notification using iTexMo API” is designed to automate the process of booking hotel reservations.
In a conventional way, hotel guests personally visit the hotel to inquire and make reservations. The said method takes valuable time and effort from both the hotel guests and the hotel receptionist.
The researchers conducted the study to design, develop and implement a mobile-based application to be used by hotel guests in reserving hotel rooms ahead of time. The application will ease up the completion of the hotel reservation transaction. The said project will enable hotel guests to conveniently book their reservations and will also ease up the job of the hotel reception desk. Hotel guests can schedule the date, room and length of their stay in the hotel.
After the application was developed, it will be presented to the respondents, intended users, and a panel of IT experts for assessment. The application will go through the checking and testing phase to ensure smooth operation and functionality. The application will also be evaluated by IT experts for further enhancement and improvement.
The implementation of the application will significantly benefit those in the hotel industry. Hotels can accommodate a larger number of guests every day and easily process the guest’s inquiries and bookings. Hotel guests also can conveniently book hotel reservations without spending too much time and effort.
The researchers concluded that the developed application is an effective and efficient tool in conveniently booking hotel reservations.

The capstone project, “Mobile App Hotel Reservation with SMS Notification using iTexMo API” is a mobile-based application that allows hotel guests to make reservations in the hotel. The application will be used by the guests to schedule the dates and length of their stay in the hotel.
Hotels need guests in order for their business to succeed. In a conventional way, the guests personally visit the hotel they wish to stay in to book rooms. This method is time-consuming and requires too much effort from the guest. The current system may also encounter problems such as walk-in guests who are unable to book rooms for they do not have prior knowledge if the hotel can still cater to a guest. The existing system for bookings and reservations is seen as ineffective to cater to the needs of the guest as well as boosting the income of the hotels by having a lot of guests. Hotel businesses in need of an effective tool to reach a huge number of guests as well as provide convenience for their guests in bookings or making reservations.
Proposed Solution
The researchers of the study proposed a mobile-based app to automate hotel reservations. The project aims to provide hotel guests a platform where they can book their schedule and rooms to stay ahead of time in a fast, accurate, and hassle-free manner. The proposed system will eliminate the manual method which is prone to encounter a lot of adversities. The system will be used by the guest to book and schedule their stays in the hotel ahead of time. The hotel management as well will use the system to manage the bookings of the guests. By having the system, the hotel can improve the overall experience of their guests as well as boost their income.
Related articles on hotel reservation management system:
- Abstract of Hotel Booking System
- System Modules of Online Hotel Reservation System
- Multi Hotel Management System in PHP and MySQL
- Hotel Reservation and Billing System Database Design
- Use Case Diagram of Hotel Reservation System

Objectives of the Study
General Objective – The main goal of the project is to design and develop a mobile-based application that will streamline the transaction of bookings and reservations between the hotel management and the hotel guest.
The project specifically aims the following objectives:
- To develop a system that will automate hotel reservations.
- The system will let the hotel guest make reservations of rooms for their stay in the hotel electronically.
- The system will let hotel businesses reach a huge number of guests by providing a convenient method for bookings.
- The system will provide a fast, accurate, and hassle-free manner transaction.
- The system is efficient and reliable to use.
Scope of the Study
The capstone project, “Mobile App Hotel Reservation System with SMS Notification using iTexMo API mainly focused on designing, developing, and implementing a mobile-based application for the hotel reservation. The application will have features like booking by dates, choosing preferred rooms, and setting the length of stay in the hotel. The respondents of the study are hotel guests and staff since they are the intended users of the project.

Significance of the Study
The following individuals or groups will benefit from the success of the project:
Hotel Management. The success of the project will highly benefit them by letting them have an automated process in managing and attending to the reservations of their guest. The system will help them increase their income by reaching multiple numbers of guests due to the convenience brought by the system.
Hotel Guest/Clients. The system will let them conveniently schedule and book rooms in the hotel they wish to stay in. The system will make them save time and effort in inquiring for rooms.
Researchers. The researchers of the study will gain more experience in developing helpful systems for business sectors. They will gain more knowledge and experience.
Future Researchers. The study will serve as their guide in pursuing the same study or in developing their own version of the project.
The researchers conducted the study to assess whether the manual method of booking hotel reservations is effective or if it needs improvement. After thorough assessment and investigation, the researchers found out that the manual method is not efficient and convenient for both the guests and staff of the hotel. To resolve the difficulties encountered in the manual method, the researchers of the study develop a mobile application that can be used in electronically booking hotel reservations. The result of the study showed that the mobile application met the needs and requirements of the respondents. The majority of them have seen the potential of the application in streamlining the process of hotel reservation.
Hence, the researchers concluded that the application is an effective and efficient tool to be used by the people in the hotel industry and their clients. The developed application will make hotel reservations easy, fast, and convenient for the guests. The application will boost the number of clients the hotel can respond to and accommodate every day. The developed project will increase the income of the hotel and at the same time, the hotel service will be improved, improving as well the customer’s experience.

The researchers of the study highly recommend the implementation of the developed application. The researchers recommend the application for its efficiency and reliability that can be rendered to the intended users. The application will improve the overall process of hotel reservations eliminating all the difficulties encountered in the manual method. The researchers suggest that the hotel industry should adopt the use of the application and integrate it into their daily operations and transaction.
The researchers specifically recommend the following:
- The researchers recommend that the application should be installed in the receptionist area for them to electronically manage and respond to the inquiries of the guests.
- The researchers highly encourage hotel guests to download and use the application in booking their hotel reservations.
- The implementation of the application is highly recommended for it will make hotel reservations fast, easy, and hassle-free.
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