Medicine Delivery Web App in PHP and Bootstrap
The project entitled Medicine Delivery Web App is an online platform that allows the customers to order a medicine online. This is somewhat a version of ecommerce project that focuses on medicine ordering and delivery services. The said project was based on PHP and Bootstrap.
The focus of this article is to give you an idea on what are the interfaces or form designs needed to develop an online platform for medicine ordering and delivery services.
Our team can provide you with the necessary help starting from the database design of the project, documentation (chapter 1 – 5) and of course the source code of the system.
Features and System Modules of the Medicine Delivery Web App
Customer Registration Form – this is the form for a customer who wants to be a part of the system. The customer needs to register their personal information as listed below.
- Name
- Address
- Contact
The username and password will be provided by the system and it will be sent through their email address.

Login – the system can be accessed by the customer, cashier, driver and administrator. Administrator has a full control and can access every feature of the system, the customer can only request of a medicine, and the driver can only view the delivery details.
Dashboard – the dashboard presents the basic statistics of the system such as the number of medicine, number of drivers, number of orders, and number of delivery. The image below is the dashboard of the system.

User Management – this is the module of the system that manages the list of users who can access the system. This module can only be accessed by the administrator account.
The form includes the following fields:
- Username
- Password
- User category (admin, cashier,delivery)
- Fullname
- Contact
- Address

User Logs – this module of the system shows the login time, logout time of the users.
- Date
- Username
- Login time
- Logout time

Customer Information Management – the administrator can manage the list of customers through this module of the project. The admin can enable and disable the account of the customers whereas the customer can update their profile as well as their username and password.
The form includes the following fields:
- Name
- Address
- Contact
- Account Status (enabled, disabled)
- Username
- Password

Driver Information – list of drivers are managed in this module of the system. The admin accounts can only activate and deactivate the driver accounts while the driver can update their personal profile which includes their username and password.
The form includes the following fields:
- Name
- Address
- Contact
- Account Status (enabled, disabled)
- Username
- Password

Medicine Information – list of medicines are managed by the administrators in this module of the project.
The form includes the following fields:
- Medicine code
- Medicine name
- Medicine category
- Description
- Price
- Retail price
- image

Medicine Category – categories of medicines are encoded in this module.
- Category name
Order Information – orders of medicines are stored and managed in this part of the system. This module can only be accessed by the admin and cashier accounts.
- Order control number
- Customer name
- Order Date
- Total Amount
- Cashier

Order Details – list of ordered medicines are displayed in this module of the system, it is connected to the order information module.
The form includes the following fields:
- Order control number
- Product
- Quantity
- Amount
- Total

Delivery Information – this module of the system shows the list delivery records. This module can be accessed by the admin and driver account. The admin can access the entire records while the driver can only view their own records.
The form includes the following fields:
- Delivery Control number
- Order control number
- Delivered by
- Received by
- Date delivered

Report Module – this is the report module of the system in a form of table and graph. The report displays the amount of orders per month.

Medicine Delivery Web App in PHP and Bootstrap Free Download
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