Math Learning Application Chapter 5 Capstone Documentation
This chapter of the research presents the summary, conclusion and recommendations from the investigation.
For the past years, the students learning mathematics in a specific institution was the lowest among the eight subjects. This is the reason why the researchers were motivated to conduct a study regarding this matter.
The Mathematical Skills of the students: Basis For the development of Math Learning Application is the title of this research in which the following objectives are: (1) to determine the level of Mathematical skills of the students in terms of Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division (2) to determine if there is a significant correlation on the Mathematical skills in terms of gender, and (3) if there is a significant difference on the level of interest of the pupils towards mathematics in terms of gender as basis to develop a Math Learning Application.
The benefactors of this study were the students who are studying math to enhance their skills in Mathematics. The researchers strongly believe that this study is a great help for Math teachers because Math Learning Application is an educational tool that will serve as a supplementary resource using advance technology. Likewise to parents, especially those with computer at home will have a great advantage because this will help their children in Mathematics in home learning.
The respondents of this study were the students who were officially enrolled during the school year 2018-2019. The total population of the said institution is nine hundred fifty four (954) pupils from Grade I to Grade VI, in which, four hundred ninety four (494) are males and four hundred sixty (460) are females. The Grade I has one hundred ninety eight (198), Grade II has one hundred fifty eight (158), Grade III has one hundred eighty (180), Grade IV has one hundred fifty three (153), Grade V has one hundred twenty seven (127) and Grade VI has one hundred thirty eight (138) pupils. Grade I is compose of six (6) sections, Grade II has five (5) sections, Grade III, Grade IV and Grade V have four (4) sections, and the Grade VI has three (3) sections.
Through the use of Slovin’s Formula, the researchers were able to determine the sample size of the respondents. Out of nine hundred fifty four (954) pupils only two hundred eighty two (282) pupils were taken as the sample size. To determine the random sample for the Grade level and per section, the researchers use the stratified random sampling in which Grade I has fifty eight (58) pupils, Grade II has forty seven (47) pupils, Grade III has fifty three (53) pupils, Grade IV has forty five (45) pupils, Grade V has thirty eight (38) pupils and Grade VI has forty one (41) pupils.

To determine the Mathematical skills of the pupils, the Diagnostic Drill Cards were use as instruments with a specific time allotment that can be found in Table 2.0. To determine the level of interest of the pupils towards Mathematics, an interview was conducted with the use of questionnaires constructed by the researchers.
After the approval of the proposed title by the Thesis Adviser, and the approval of Administrator, and validation of the questionnaires that were used for an interview by the evaluators, the researchers started to distribute the instruments to the respondents. After which, the data were gathered, and the results were treated with the use of the SPSS package.
The researchers used the Mean, also known as the Average to determine the Mathematical Skills of the students in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Interpretation of the Mean was based on Weight Mean Range. To determine the significant correlation on the level of interest of the students towards Mathematics in terms of gender, the Person r correlational test were executed using SPSS and results were base on Range of Coefficient. T-test independent mean was used in order to determine the significant difference on Mathematical skills of the pupils of students in terms of gender.
The findings of the investigation showed that the mean score of students in Addition is 38.49, which was interpreted as Need Improvement. In subtraction, the mean score of students is 39.44 which were also interpreted as Need Improvement. In multiplication, interpretation was also Need Improvement with its mean score 27.40. In division, the mean score is 37.97 which also were interpreted as Need Improvement. The Grand Mean Score is 35.83 which mean that the Students are needs improvement in their Mathematical Skills.
However, there is no significant relationship in the level of interest of the students in Mathematics in terms in gender.
Male obtained a score of 37.52 and 37.48 for female in a t-ratio of 0.023 and p-value of 0.983. The result shows that there is no significant difference on the Mathematical Skills of students in terms of gender.
After the questionnaire was evaluated, finalized and conducted, the data the data collected for it were tallied, tabulated, analyzed, and interpreted according to the specific problems, and hypotheses the following conclusions were concluded by the researchers:
- The grand mean score of Mathematical skills of Students is 38.8. In addition, Grade I got a mean score of 6.00, Grade II got 27.41, Grade III got 43.60, Grade IV got 47.81, Grade V got 38.12, Grade VI got 68.00 and the total mean score in addition is 38.49. In subtraction Grade I got a score of 50, Grade II got 23.69, Grade III got 44.24, Grade IV got 65.68, Grade V got 42.04 and Grade VI got 51.50 and the total of mean in subtraction is 39.44. In multiplication, Grade I and Grade II are exempted in this operation, Grade III got a mean score of 30.56, Grade IV got 47.42, Grade V got 36.77, and Grade VI got 49.62 with a total score of 164.37 and the total mean of 27.40. In division, Grade I and Grade II are also exempted in this operation. Grade III got a mean score of 20.74, Grade VI got 45.78, Grade V got 35.16 and Grade VI got 42.18 with a total mean score of 37.97. The level of Mathematical skill of the pupils of BCES in Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division is Need Improvement. Therefore, the researchers concluded through the findings that the students experienced difficulties in the four basic operations in Mathematics.
- There is no significant correlation on the level of interest of the Students towards mathematics in terms of gender as indicated by Person’s r of .492 and .322 p value. Both genders are interested towards Mathematics. The researchers concluded that the students are interested in Mathematics; however, their skills need to be improved.
- The grand mean score of male which is 37.52 and 37.48 for female, which were both interpreted as Need Improvement for Mathematical Skills. There is no significant difference in terms of gender towards Mathematics as revealed by the t-ratio of 0.023 and p-value of 0.983. The researchers concluded that Students’ skills in Mathematics need much attention.
In view of the findings and conclusions of the study, the researchers advance following recommendations:
- Findings and conclusions of this study may enlighten the administrator for academic discussion and planning for the implementation of the Electronic Math Enhancer in all grade levels during remedial hours to enhance the Mathematical skills of the Students in the four basic operations namely addition, subtraction multiplication and division.
- School administrator should support and give importance to the improvement of the teaching of Mathematics using advance technology such as computers.
- Similar study should be made in other subjects by the other researchers to improve the skills of the Students not only in Mathematics but also to the other subjects.
Credits to the authors of the project.
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