Introduction of the Study entitled Maternal Records Management System
Table of Contents
The capstone project, “Maternal Records Management System” is a system that automates the process of recording and keeping maternal records. The said project will allow maternity clinics to track and monitor their patients’ records from pregnancy to their baby’s immunization records.
Maternal record is significant for every pregnant woman for it contains orderly and accurate information of pregnancy. The record helps in detecting and monitoring risk and complications during pregnancy. Conventionally, records of a pregnant woman are written in a paper and are kept in a cabinet or any physical storage. The manual process of maternal records is prone to human error such as mistakes in writing the accurate details. When records of maternity are kept manually, difficulties would highly occur during retrieval of the documents. The manual method is not ideal in managing maternal records for problems may arise during the pregnancy due to the inefficiency of keeping records that may serve as a reference. Pregnant woman and maternity clinic is in need of an effective system to streamline the process of managing maternal records.
Proposed Solution
The researchers of the study proposed a Maternal Records Management System to resolve the aforementioned concerns encountered in the manually-aided system of managing records of pregnancy. The proposed system will automate the process of recording details of pregnancy and storing maternal records. By integrating the system, maternity clinics will be able to accurately records important information about the pregnancy of their client. The system will help ensure pregnant woman that they are efficiently monitored. Maternal Records Management System is an effective and reliable tool in managing records of pregnant woman.
Objectives of the Study
General Objective – the primary goal of the proponents of the study is to design and develop a Maternal Records Management System that will allow electronic management of pregnancy records.
Specifically, the project aims the following objectives:
- To develop a system that allows electronic recording of important pregnancy information.
- The system will serve as a centralized system were maternal records are kept.
- To design a system that will keep accurate maternal records electronically safe and secured.
- The system is easy, reliable and convenient to use.
- To evaluate the developed system using ISO/IEC 9126 with the following quality characteristics.
- Functionality
- Reliability
- Usability
- Efficiency
- Maintainability
- Portability
Significance of the Study
The success of the project is deemed beneficial to the following:
Maternity Clinics. The system will ease up the job of the staffs in maternity clinics by having a system that will enable them to electronically record pregnancy information of their clients. The success of the project will make them manage maternal records in an easy, fast, accurate and reliable way.
Pregnant Women. The system will make their records accurate and safe to be able to help their maternity care detect and monitor risk and complications that are possible to occur during their pregnancy.
Researchers. The success of the project will contribute to their knowledge and experiences in developing successful programs.
Future Researchers. The study will serve as their basis in developing their own version of the Maternal Records Management System.
Development Tools
The capstone project “Maternal Records Management System” is a system that allow maternity clinics to electronically process the recording pregnancy details and storing maternal records. The system will serve as an online platform to be utilize by maternity clinics in handling records of pregnant women.
This article will provide you with an idea on what are the forms to be included in a Maternal Records Management System. PHP and Bootstrap were used to develop the said template.
Documentation of the project is available upon request (chapters 1 to 5). Feel free to message us for the complete documentation of the project.
Project Highlights
Maternal Records Management System is a database driven system that will automate the processes of recording and keeping of orderly and accurate pregnancy information for reference.
Advantages of the Maternal Records Management System are the following:
- Automated management- the system will enable electronic management of maternal records.
- Records Management – it is a database system which makes the records of maternity electronic, safe, accurate, reliable and fast.
- Report Generation – the system is capable of generating reports about the records in the maternity clinic
How the System Works
This section will discuss the flow of the system by showing the forms, modules and user interface of the Maternal Records Management System.
Users of the system can:
- Manage Patient Records – (CRUD) create and update the information of the patient profile.
- Manage Prenatal Records – (CRUD) create and update the information of the patient prenatal records and schedules.
- Manage Child Records – (CRUD) create and update the information of the child profile.
- Manage Immunization Records – (CRUD) create and update the information of child immunization records and schedules.
- Graphical report generation on the number of prenatal per month and vaccination reports per vaccination type.
System Features
Login Form – this form will be used by the intended user of the system in order to log in to the system. The user will have a unique username and password to be able to access the records and feature of the system.
Shown below is the design of the login form. (visit our facebook page for the complete screenshot of the project)
Admin Dashboard – this dashboard serves as the main page of the system administrator. The dashboard mainly displays the information about the number of patients catered by the clinic.
- Number of patient
The image below is the design of the Administrator’s dashboard.

Patient Information – this form allows the admin or encoder to input and manage records of the patient. The patient information form requires the following information:
- Patient Code
- Last name
- First name
- Middle name
- Contact
- Address
- Birthdate
- Age
- Status
The image shown below is the design of the patient information form.

Prenatal Records – this form allows management of the prenatal record of the patient. The following information required below should be encoded in the system.
- Patient Code
- Patient Name
- Prenatal Schedule
- Midwife/Nurse/Doctor
- Blood Pressure
- Weight
- Size of Tummy
- Remarks
Shown below is the design of the Prenatal Records form.

Child Records – this form allows management of the child’s record. The form requires the information of the child to be entered in the system.
- Mother name
- Child last name
- Child first name
- Child middle name
- Gender
- Birthdate
- Weight
- Height]
The image below is the design of the child’s record.

Child Immunization Record – this form requires the admin or encoder to enter the details of the child’s immunization record. The following information listed below should be encoded in the system:
- Child name
- Age
- Immunization Type
- Date of Immunization
- Remarks
Shown below is the design of the Child Immunization Record.

Reports – this page displays the reports of the number of prenatal and number of vaccinated children.
Number of Prenatal per month – this form displays information about the number of prenatal per month. The report will be presented using a table and graph.

Number of Vaccinated Children – this form displays information about the number of vaccinated children per month. The report will be presented using a table and graph.
Shown below is the design of the report page.

Accurate information on the pregnancy records of the patient will help the assigned maternity care to monitor the patient during pregnancy. The records help prevent complications and risk for both the mother and the baby during the pregnancy stage. Accurate and reliable record keeping is highly needed. The result of the study showed that the developed Maternal Records Management System met the needs of the respondents and the intended users. Majority of them have seen the potential of the system in assisting maternity clinics in managing maternal records. The implementation of the system will increase the efficiency and effectiveness in managing maternal records.
Hence, the researchers concluded that the implementation of the Maternal Records Management System will significantly improve record management in a maternity clinic. The implementation of the system will eliminate all the problems and difficulties encountered in the manual process. The developed system will make management of maternal records easy, fast and convenient.
The researchers of the study highly recommend the implementation of the Maternal Records Management System in maternity clinics. The system will streamline the process of ensuring accurate recording pregnancy information without leaving a room for errors. The system will ease up the job of the staffs in charge in recording accurate information of the patients. The system is highly recommended for its efficiency and reliability that can be rendered to the users. The intended users of the system should be armed with knowledge in order to correctly utilize the developed system.
The researchers of the project recommend the following:
- Maternity clinics should use the system to efficiently manage records of their patients and store it securely.
- The implementation of the developed Maternal Records Management System is highly recommended for it ensures accuracy and security of information.
- The system is highly recommended for it will make management of maternal records easy, fast and hassle-free.
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