Mask Wearing Monitoring Application
Table of Contents
As COVID-19 struck, individuals wearing face masks have become a common scenario in the public service areas. The coronavirus disease 2019 is categorized as highly contagious and transmitted through close contact and via aerosol and respiratory droplets. With this, the government released health protocols that include wearing face masks to help limit the spread of the virus.
Wearing face masks can help block and prevent aerosols and respiratory droplets to transmit from one person to another. This specific health protocol can protect both, those with and without COVID-19. However, some individuals do not adhere to the protocol. Some still go to public places without masks and other safety measures which challenge the government to completely imposed the protocol and limit the spread of the virus. There is an intensified need for a tool to assist the government and public services are like hospitals, terminals, and airports, offices, etc. to monitor individuals who are not wearing a face mask.
The capstone project, entitled “Mask Wearing Monitoring Application” is designed to detect individuals who are not wearing a face mask in public service areas. The app works with mask detector cameras to capture faces without masks and directly send the details to the administrators and violators Through this, violators will be determined and sanctioned for them to learn and seriously adhere to wearing a face mask.
The implementation of the app will help the government and other agencies in charge combat the spread of the virus. The app will allow the government and public service areas’ administrators to detect individuals that are not wearing a face mask and take quick action.

The capstone project, entitled “Mask Wearing Monitoring Application” is designed to accurately monitors face mask-wearing in public service areas like hospitals, public transport, terminals, airports, and offices. This application will help the government limit the spread of the virus by strictly imposing accurate wearing of face masks.
The Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is categorized as highly contagious and transmitted through close contact and via aerosol and respiratory droplets. With this, the government released health protocols that include wearing face masks to help limit the spread of the virus. The accurate wearing of face masks can help block and prevent aerosols and respiratory droplets to transmit from one person to another. However, some individuals do not adhere to the protocol. Some still go to public places without masks and other safety measures. Although some utilize masks but wear them improperly, still it is purposeless. These scenarios challenged the government to completely imposed the protocol and limit the spread of the virus. Thus, there is an intensified need for a tool to assist the government and public services are like hospitals, terminals, and airports, offices, etc. to monitor individuals who are not wearing a face mask.
Proposed Solution
To resolve the aforementioned concerns, the researchers proposed the development of the Mask Wearing Monitoring Application. The app will help the government and other agencies in charge combat the spread of the virus. The app will allow the government and public service areas’ administrators to detect individuals that are not wearing a face mask and take quick action. The app uses mask detector cameras together with AI to capture and recognize faces without a mask and those with masks but is improperly worn. This application will help the government limit the spread of the virus by strictly imposing accurate wearing of face masks.
Objectives of the Study
General Objective – The researchers generally aim to implement a Mask Wearing Monitoring Application to detect individuals that violate the protocol of wearing a face mask in public service areas.
The researchers specifically aim the following objectives:
- To develop an application that detects individuals who are not wearing face masks.
- To ease up the job of field responders in determining wearing face mask violators in public premises.
- To allow the government and public service area administrators to quickly respond to individuals who are not adhering to the protocol.
- To reduce the number of protocol violators and strictly impose wearing of face masks.
- To assess the acceptability, effectiveness, quality, productivity, and reliability of the application.
Scope of the Study
The researchers mainly focus on developing an application that integrates existing cameras to detect and recognized faces without a face mask. The app can be used in various public service areas like hospitals, airports, offices, etc. The researchers will gather a sample size of public service administrators and individuals to serve as respondents of the study.

Significance of the Study
Government. The government especially the Depart of Health will highly benefit from this project. The app will help them in battling the COVID-19 pandemic. Close monitoring of face mask-wearing can help limit the spread of the virus and positive cases.
Public Service Area Administration. The administrators can determine staffs or individuals in their area that do not wear a face mask. This way they can quickly respond to the situation and impose wearing of face mask strictly.
General Public. The app will help them lessen the possibilities of getting their selves and others from being infected with the virus.
Researchers. The project will further harness the skills and knowledge of the researchers.
Future Researchers. The study can serve as their guide in their future pursuit of the same study.
Wearing of face mask can help limit the spread of the Corona Virus. With this, close monitoring of face mask-wearing is essential. The researchers develop a mask-wearing monitoring application that will assist in detecting and recognizing faces without a face mask. The result of the study showed that the developed application met the needs and requirements of the respondents and intended users. The respondents rated the app satisfactorily in terms of acceptability, effectiveness, quality, productivity, and reliability. The app works with mask detector cameras to capture faces without masks and directly send the details to the administrators and violators Through this, violators will be determined and sanctioned for them to learn and seriously adhere to wearing a face mask. Hence, the researchers concluded that the app is extremely effective.

The researchers strongly recommend the implementation of the Mask Wearing Monitoring Application. The app will allow the government to closely monitor mask-wearing on public premises. The application will help mitigate the spread of the virus. The researchers suggest that the intended users should be knowledgeable about the app’s features and how it works.
The following are the specific recommendations of the researchers:
- The researchers suggest that the public service areas should install the application to easily detect individuals who are not wearing a face mask.
- The implementation of the system is suggested to limit the possibility of transmission between one person to another.
- The app is highly recommended for its efficiency and reliability.
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