Loan Management System with SMS Free Bootstrap Template
The capstone project entitled “Loan Management System with SMS” is an online platform that allows members to apply and request loan. In addition, they can also monitor their balance in their respective dashboard. Management of cooperative will review first the application for approval or disapproval of the request. Notification will be send through the SMS or short messaging service feature of the system.
This article will provide you with an idea on what are the forms to be included in a Loan Management System with SMS. PHP and Bootstrap were used to develop the said template.
The system can be access by the administrators, moderators, and registered or verified members.
The Administrator/Loan officer can:
- Manage Loan Application – review, approve or disapprove an application with SMS notification.
- Member Profile – review, update, approve and disapprove member application and profile
- Payment Processing– records payment of the members.
- Manage Users – (CRUD – create, read, update, and delete) user detail and information.
Members can:
- Apply loan – apply loan online
- View amortization table and balance
How the System works
This section will discuss the flow of the system by showing the forms, modules and user interface of the Loan Management System. We will now discuss the features presented above.
Login Form – Login form is used by any information system as a security feature. This will only allow registered users to access the information of a certain application. To be specific, the Loan Management System with SMS can be accessed by the administrators and members of the cooperative.
The image shown below is the login form design of the system.
Loan Management System with SMS Free Bootstrap Template – Login Form

Member Registration – member of the cooperative will need to register their profile to the information system. It is a requirement for them in order to access the features of the loan management system.
The following information are needed and included in the form:
- First name
- Middle name
- Last name
- Complete Address
- Contact number
- Email address
- Gender
- Civil Status
- Birthdate
- Age
- Profile Picture
- Username
- Password
- Account Status
Image shown below is the form design and layout of the registration page.
Loan Management System with SMS Free Bootstrap Template – Registration Form

Dashboard – the homepage of the administrator after the login process would be the dashboard. This page is where basic statistics are shown such as the following:
- # of members
- # loan approved
- # loan application
The image below is the user interface of the admin dashboard.
Loan Management System with SMS Free Bootstrap Template – Admin Dashboard

Loan Application – this is the form where loan applications requested by the members are subject for verification and approval. The user can only view and review the application. After the review process, the application is either approved or disapproved with remarks so that the member can view the status on their end.
The following are the fields and information included in the loan application module.
- Loan Control Number
- Member name
- Type of loan – combo box
- Mode of Payment
- Loan Amount
- Loan Duration
- Purpose
- Loan Status – combo box (approved, disapproved)
- Remarks
The images below are the form design of Loan application module of the project.
Loan Management System with SMS Free Bootstrap Template – Loan Application Table

Loan Management System with SMS Free Bootstrap Template – Loan Application Form

Loan Amortization – by definition, amortization refers to spreading payments over multiple periods. This is the feature of the system that displays the scheduled payment of loan based on the terms or number of months.
Information included in the form are the following:
- Loan Control Number
- Date
- Payment Amount
- Interest Paid
- Principal Paid
- Remaining Balance
Below is the form design of the loan amortization feature of the system
Loan Management System with SMS Free Bootstrap Template – Loan Amortization

Loan Payment – list of loan payment by the members are stored and recorded in this module. User will need to input the member name, date and the amount paid. The system will auto generate the payment number of the transaction.
These are the information included in the module:
- Payment Number
- Member Name
- Date
- Payment Amount
The images shown below are the modules and form design of the loan payment feature.
Loan Management System with SMS Free Bootstrap Template – Loan Payment Table

Loan Management System with SMS Free Bootstrap Template – Loan Payment Form

SMS Logs – the system can send notification via SMS or Short Messaging Service. It is commonly known as text message. The module records the notification sent to their member and this is the form that manages that.
Log Information of the SMS notification includes the following:
- Send date
- Send time
- Number
- Message
The image shown below is the user interface of the SMS Log module of the Loan Management System.
Loan Management System with SMS Free Bootstrap Template – SMS Logs

User Management – management of the cooperative can assign to which of their employees can access and manage the loan application request. This is the module where the administrator can add another user to access the system.
User information that are included in the module are the following:
- Fullname
- Avatar
- Username
- Password
- Contact
- User category
- Status – combo box (active, inactive)
User Group – user group module is a feature which gives privilege or what are the users can access. Example, encoder group can only add record but cannot access the update or import button.
- Group Name
- Description
- Allow_add
- Allow_edit
- Allow_delete
- Allow_print
- Allow_import
- Allow_export
User Management user interface are shown below.
Loan Management System with SMS Free Bootstrap Template – User Group Table

Loan Management System with SMS Free Bootstrap Template – User Group Form

Member Dashboard – after the login process the member will be redirected to the dashboard that reflects their loan records.
The dashboard of the members shows the following information:
- number of loans
- balance
The image shown below is the form design of the member dashboard page.
Loan Management System with SMS Free Bootstrap Template – Member Dashboard

Loan Application for Members – in the account of members, they can apply a loan through the proposed online platform.
They need to proceed to the loan application form where they can fill-up the following details:
- Loan Control Number
- Member name
- Type of loan – combo box
- Mode of Payment
- Loan Amount
- Loan Duration
- Purpose
The application is still subject for review and approval process of the management. Notification in a form of SMS or email will be sent by the management.
The image below is the loan application form for the members.
Loan Management System with SMS Free Bootstrap Template – Loan Application Table

Loan Management System with SMS Free Bootstrap Template – New Loan Application

Loan Amortization – this module displays the scheduled list of payment depending on the number of months the loan will be paid. In addition, the member can also monitor the payment and balance in this module of the project. The list is in tabular format that displays the following information:
- Loan Control Number
- Date
- Payment Amount
- Interest Paid
- Principal Paid
- Remaining Balance
A notification in a form of SMS or short messaging system will be sent before the due date so that the member would be reminded of their payment schedule.
The image shown below is the module where the member can view their schedule of payment.
Loan Management System with SMS Free Bootstrap Template – Loan Amortization Table

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