Java Source code for Beginners
It is necessary to practice the actual programs in order to comprehend a programming language; doing so will allow you to learn the language more quickly. This page contains Java programs on a variety of topics related to Java, including control statements, loops, classes and objects, functions, arrays, and more. Each of the programs, along with their output, is put through their paces during testing.
Java Programming Language
Table of Contents
Java is a versatile and powerful programming language that enables developers to create a wide range of applications. Java programs are compiled into byte code, which can be run on any Java Virtual Machine (JVM). This makes Java platform-independent, meaning that programs written in Java can run on any operating system that supports a JVM.
Java is most commonly used for developing websites and applications. Websites written in Java are typically fast and responsive, making them ideal for use on mobile devices. Applications written in Java can be deployed on a wide range of platforms, including desktop computers, laptops, smartphones, and tablets.
Java Program Online Compiler
A compiler is a specialized piece of software that converts the source code of one programming language into either machine code, bytecode, or the source code of another programming language.
You are able to edit your Java source code online by using the editor tool that is available online. After that, you may receive the output by compiling it and running it. There are many different java online compilers available, but they all have the same basic functionality. With that, you don’t need to install the necessary tools for you code and create projects in Java. The only requirement is that your device should be online and connected to the internet.
We have compiled a list of online Java compilers currently accessible on the market in order to provide you with a deeper comprehension of the top online Java compilers currently offered, as well as to make it easier for you to select a compiler.
- Browxy
- Codiva
- OneCompiler
- And many more
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30 Examples of Java Program for Beginners
- Odd, Even Number Checker
A java program that will determine if the number entered by the user is an odd or even number. The java program has two versions the GUI and the console-based program. The GUI uses the swing library and the console uses the scanner class.
- High, Low number Checker Simple Java Project
This sample java program will determine the highest and the lowest number entered by the user. The program will ask the user to enter 3 numbers and the program will display which is the highest and lowest among them. It is also coded in GUI and console versions.
- Summer Job Income and Savings Java Project
This simple java program will compute summer job income and savings. The program will require the data asked to be encoded in the system for computation. The program is coded in GUI and console versions.
- Number to Month Converter in Java
This is a simple java program that will convert numbers to months. This program will require the user to input a number and then the program will convert it to a month. The program is coded in GUI and console versions.
- Grade Pass or Fail Checker in Java
Example program in java that computes grades of the student. It is a sort of a program that sets the percentage of a pass or failing grade and then computes the grade of the student to determine if it passes or fails.
- Print Number in Word Java Project
This java program will print numbers into word. The program will require the user to input a number then program will convert it into a word. The program is coded in two versions, the GUI and the console.
- MDAS Calculator Simple Java Project
This java program is written in console and GUI format. The program will demonstrate the basic mathematical operators (add, minus, divide and multiply). It has also a do-while loop which allows the user to execute the program again or just close and end it.
- ATM Machine Program Java Project
This java program allows consumers to perform quick self-service transactions such as deposits, cash withdrawals, and checking balances.
- Number Guessing Simple Project in Java
This is a simple game in Java that allows you to select a number from 1 to 10, then the random number will appear, and a message box will prompt if you have guessed the number or not.
- Area of Rectangle Solver
It is a very simple program intended for beginners who want to learn the java programming language. The program will computer for the area of a rectangle, the user will be asked to enter the length and the width of the rectangle then the program will display the result. The program is written in GUI and console versions.
- Count Words in Java
This article will guide you on how to count the number of characters based on the user input. It is easy to follow and understand. This tutorial is a great way to learn how to count the number of characters using Java.
- Centimeter to Meter Program and vice versa
This is not just a centimeter-to-meter converter, you can also convert the meter to a centimeter. This is a java program written in console and GUI version that allows the user to select an option whether to convert centimeter to meter or meter to centimeter. This will also allow you to choose whether to close the program or continue and run again the program.
- Grade Computation in Java
Example program in java that computes your final grade based on your prelim, midterm, and end term grades. It is a sort of averaging program but the e grades (prelim, midterm, and end term) do not share equal percentages; the equation for the final grade will be 30% of the prelim grade, and 30% of the midterm grade, and 40% of the end-term grade.

- User Management System in Java
This Java application will demonstrate a CRUD (create, update, delete) system. The records to be managed in this program are the login information of the users which includes the username and password.
- Print Day in Word Simple Java Project
This Java project is a simple program the prints day into word. This also has a GUI and console version.
- Currency converter program Simple Java Project
This is a sample program in java that converts currency to another currency. It is a peso to the dollar, dollar to peso converter program. The user will be asked what operation he/she wants (peso to dollar or dollar to peso). The final result will be the converted amount of the currency.
- Get the average of numbers entered by the user
Average is getting first the sum of numbers, let’s say 10 numbers, and then dividing it by the number of numbers, it would be 10 based on our example. This is a program that will ask the user how many numbers he or she wants then the program will sum it up and get the average and display the result.
- Print A-Z Letter in Java
In this program, we are going to see how we can print alphabets in Java. The program is pretty straightforward. It is encoded in two versions which are GUI and console.
- Compute the diameter, area, and circumference of a circle
This java program has two versions; the console app and the use of the swing library (GUI version). The user will be asked to enter the radius of the circle then the program will compute its area, diameter, and circumference.
- Salary Computation in Java
This is a sample java program that will compute your salary based on the basic formula salary = (number of days work * rate per day) – deduction. You are going to input your rate per day, the number of days work, and deduction to compute the salary. The program is written in the console and GUI (graphical user interface) using the swing.
- Total Cost Solver in Java
A sample source code in java that will compute the total cost you have purchased. The formula is the total cost is equal to the price of the item multiplied by the quantity of the item you want to purchase.
- Divisibility Checker in Java
A sample program in java that will check if a certain number is divisible with a certain number. If the result returns to be a whole number then that number is divisible by the number also set by the user. The program is in a GUI format that uses the swing class (joptionpane dialog boxes for input and output).
- Number of Respondents Computation
Sample program in Java that will compute the number of respondents using sloven’s formula. To compute the number of respondents the user must enter the total population size.
- Contact Management Information in Java
This Java source code will ask the user to enter or input the basic information such as the name, contact and address. The said project will be coded using the scanner class and joptionpane.
- Decimal to Binary Converter in Java
This is a simple java program that converts a decimal to binary. The user will input a decimal number and the program will convert it into binary. This program is coded in GUI and console versions.
- Reverse a String in Java
This java program will reverse whatever word is being inputted in the program. This program has GUI and console versions.
- Display Date and Time in Java
Java program that will display the system date and time. You can also modify the format of the time using the SimpleDateFormat class. The program is written in console and GUI format.
- What is My IP Java Program
This java program will help the user to take the IP address. This program will print public IP addresses. The program also has two versions, the GUI and console.
- Login and Register Java Project
This application will demonstrate a CRUD (create, update, delete) system. The records to be managed in this program are the login information of the users which includes the username and password.
- This sample application has a database to store the records.
- It is capable of adding, updating, and deleting records from the database.
- Unit Converter in Java Console and Swing
This is a unit conversion program that asks users to identify the unit from which they want to convert and the unit to which they want to convert. Legal units are in, ft, mi, mm, cm, m, and km. Declare two objects of a class Unit Converter that convert between meters and a given unit.
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Computer programming is a process of speeding up a task or action by creating a set of written instructions for running a specific sequence of commands or tasks. Programming is also a form of communication. By writing code, programmers can share their ideas and solutions with other programmers.
Learning the basics of computer programming is essential for anyone who wants to pursue is an essential skill for anyone looking to enter the tech industry, as it can lead to many different jobs in fields such as software development, data entry, and web design.
In this article, we have presented the list of topics that you can practice to code using Java. Please bookmark this page for we will create a tutorial for each and every topic presented in this post. Source code and video presentation with complete and code explanation will also be included in our series of articles in Java Programs and Source code for beginners.
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