Information System for 4Ps Beneficiary Review of Related Literature
This is an information system intended for the beneficiary of 4Ps or the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program, the information system will also be a great help to the management who monitors the performance of the said beneficiaries.

This chapter contains the related literature and studies that may help the researchers in developing the proposed system.
Student Monitoring System using RFID via Website and Android
According to Kathy Dela Cruz and (2014), this study has current issues like, parents are unable to monitor their children, youth computer addiction, peer pressure and students will be more adept on making excuses such as using the school activities as the reason without the proof that there are involve in the said activity. The proposed solution to the problem is a combination of Radio Frequency Identification system, Website and Android application.
The objectives of the study is to monitor the student’s time when entering or leaving the school, providing parents with the schools announcement, giving them an electronic document Parental Consent Form and the system also have its dynamic options such as changing school hours and alerting if a student is still inside the school premises late at night.
The study uses school website and android application as the communication tools for the parents. Hardware components such as RFID antenna will be installed in the school gate and RFID tags on the student’s ID. School computer server and android phones will be used for the software component. (
Attendance monitoring system
According to the site (2015) attendance monitoring system serve as a time log that is set up as computerized database. An attendance monitoring system maintains a daily record of a person’s arrival and departure time from work to school. Attendance monitoring system contains a person’s name, address, date of birth, medical history and attendance history. Attendance monitoring system for a student would contain their academic progress, standardized score and teacher comment. when seeking employment, an employment can request certain reports to be printed from the attendance monitoring system. Students benefits it tracks students attendance and progress from kinder to 12th year. (
Monitoring web services quality of service
The study of MH Hasan, J Jaffar and MF Hassan – Artificial Intelligence review (2014)-Springer. Monitoring quality of service (QoS) compliant is an important procedure in web service environment. It determines whether user’s expectations are met and become the vital factor for them to decide whether to continue paying the service or not. The monitoring is performing by checking the actual services performance against that QoS stated in Service Level Agreement (SLA). In relation to that, the need for monitoring vague QoS specifications in SLA has become more apparent nowadays. These paper reviews the publish literature on webs services QoS monitoring. A total of 60 selected articles were systematically analyzed. There were 23 of the articles selected through restrictive search criteria while the other 37 were selected based on unrestrictive search criteria. The review shows the title evidence exist on monitoring on vague on QoS specifications of web services. Providing ability for monitoring QoS that is specified vaguely is SLA could give new insights and implication on web services field. This paper concludes with some recommended future works to construct the theory and perform the empirical research. (
Student performance online monitoring system
According to Sylvester R. Mahinay (2013) this system will be a great component in monitoring the student performance through the help of the internet. a web application will be properly design to make it user-friendly and easy to use by the students, parents and teachers. This will give the feedback to the students regarding their performance in school or how they doing in school. Software development methods are being used in this study to fulfill it, this includes the requirements specification, analysis, design, implementation and testing. (
With the help of these different related literature and studies about monitoring system the researchers can create new ideas in developing the propose system. The study aims to develop a monitoring system based on the related studies, it serves as guidelines on how to
The scope of the project entitled information system for 4ps is to monitor their attendance during meetings and records of academic performance.
Credits to the authors and developers of the project and study.
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