Integrated Human Resource Management System Capstone Project
Table of Contents
Introduction of the Study
The capstone project, “Integrated Human Resource Management System” is a platform that allows HR activities and processes to be manage electronically. The project will enable companies and organizations to handle all activities related to HR management using this software.

Human Resource department within any companies or organizations plays a vital role for the success of the entire company. HR involves many functions such as providing skilled and talented labour up to providing training services for the employee’s improvement, employee enrichment opportunities and other activities that improves the efficiency of the employees to contribute to the success of the organization. The activities involved in HR if handled manually will most likely encounter human errors. In order to function optimally, the HR departments must have right tools and resources to help HR employees and managers improve their efficiency and productivity in carrying out their tasks.
Proposed Solution (Human Resource Management System)
The researchers of the project proposed Integrated Human Resources Management System as a tool for improving the efficiency and productivity of the HR departments in managing all the activities they are involved with. This capstone project is a software that intersects HR department and technology and will enable all related activities to HR be manage electronically. The proposed HR management system is consist of electronic databases for storing, reporting, and analyzing data that enables HR managers to design and manage a comprehensive HR strategy.The system will link all HR data for easy access and availability.
Objectives of the Study
General Objective – the overall goal of the project is to design and develop a system that will enable HR departments effectively manage their tasks electronically and contribute to better management of employees.
The following are the specific objectives of the project:
- Create the system that will be developed and designed using PHP and MySQL or MariaDB for the back-end and Bootstrap (HTML,CSS,JS) for the front-end.
- To develop a system that will increase efficiency of HR departments in managing and maintaining workforce data within the organization.
- One of the target of this capstone project is to improve the availability of accurate and up-to-date HR data for policy, planning and management.
- The system will store employees data for tracking as they move through training and employment system.
- The system will manage the payrolls and employee information to ensure accuracy.
- To develop a system that allows a company to plan its HR costs more effectively.
- To evaluate the developed system using ISO/IEC 9126 with the following quality characteristics
- Functionality
- Reliability
- Usability
- Efficiency
- Maintainability
- Portability
Significance of the Study
The success of the study is deemed beneficial to the following:
HR Department. Output of the system will help the department to effectively carry out their overall tasks within the company.
HR Managers. The system will help increase their productivity in managing the HR department.
Employees. The proposed capstone project will ensure them that the HR department will manage them effectively along with activities to improve their productivity.
Researchers. In general the success of the project will contribute to the researcher’s experience in developing software that will help modern businesses.
Future Researchers. The study will serve as their basis if they wish to conduct their own study in developing the project.
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