Hotel Room Reservation and Billing System
The main purpose of this study was to create a program that will automate the current system used by the said hotel. The researchers used the descriptive type of survey methods where they distributed questionnaires to the respondent of Hotel Pension House as a research instrument for data gathering.
The result of the study were the basis in coming up with program that is more convenient compared to the old system of the hotel.

The reliability and assurance of the functionality of the proposed program, it was already tested and checked by the adviser and carefully judged by the panel of judges. The researchers have done their best to make the program better. This will contribute for the betterment Hotel Pension House.
Systematic management of records allow organization to know what records they have, and locate them easily, increase efficiency and effectiveness, make savings in administrations costs both in staff time and storage, support decision making, be accountable, achieve business objectives and targets, provide continuity in the event of a disaster, meet legislative and regulatory requirements, protect the interests of employees and clients.
Records are valuable because of the information they contain and that information is only useable if it is correctly and legibly recorded in the first place, is then kept up to date, and is easily accessible when needed.
Records in hotels are not commonly found in archives but when such records survive and find their way to an archives the information contained in the records are beneficial to a variety of researchers, including students, genealogists, and academics.
Due to their manual recording system, the hotel is experiencing a little bit of delay in their transactions, much time also is wasted in preparing forms and retrieving files. Because of these difficulties mentioned a while ago, the proponent would like to have an Automated Hotel Room Reservation and Billing System in replacement for the old system it’s currently employing.
The purpose of this study is to assess the Hotel Pension House Booking System. It seeks the answers of the following questions:
- What are the difficulties encountered by the employees of the said Hotel Pension House in their present booking system?
- What is the performance of the Manual Booking System of Hotel Pension House in terms of:
- Security;
- Accuracy;
- Speed;
- Record keeping?
- What is the extent of preference of Hotel Pension House to adopt an Automated Booking Record System?
General Objectives
This study aims to provide the staffs, managers and especially the owner of Hotel an effective, fast, and convenient way of recording the (Check-in-Check-out) of their customers. This will lead to the improvement of the current system they are using and for the betterment of the establishment. It must have a better program for the keeping and retrieving of their records. It will contribute to the success of the business and to gain the trust of their customers.
This study aims the following:
- To enable the staff and employees of the hotel to have a fast processing of their booking system;
- To have a convenient way of entering customers data without any delay;
- To save their time and effort in listing manually the needed data;
- To retrieve data anytime;
- To have a more secure and private records or files;
- To have accurate details of data needed.
This study is made to give benefits to the owner, manager, staff, researchers, and customers of Hotel and Pension House in our proposed Hotel Room Reservation and Billing System
For the owner
This would help the owner to maintain the operation inside the hotel and improve the skills of his/her workers.
For the manager
This study will help the manager to perform his/her duties and responsibilities accordingly and find it convenient to coordinate with his/her staff members.
For the staff members
This study will help the staff members to perform their duties and responsibilities very well and enhance their skills on using an Automated Booking System.
For customers
Through this study, the customers would not find it hard to consume their time and effort in booking. This will give them convenient and contentment for the processing of their data will be faster than before.
For the researchers
This study would serve as our reference or guide for future purposes. This will enhance our knowledge and skills on how to make our program successfully.
This study is intended only for the Hotel Room Reservation and Billing System. The proposed program focuses only to the check-in and check-out process and reservation of the customers. Room reservations are also included in this study. Activities involved are entry of data, accessing results and reports, retrieving of data, billing and printing. Persons involved for the implementation of this study are the manager, staff members and customers.