High School Grading System in PHP and MySQL
Grading system is a system that allows teachers to manage class grades and submit grades. Teachers can access list of students for each class that they are teaching and performing standard school management such as submit final grades, incompletes, and failed information. This information is stored in the database. This information becomes part of students’ academic record and transcripts.
High School Grading System in PHP and MySQL Login Form – the image below is the login form of the grading system; the system can be accessed by the administrator, teachers and students.

High School Grading System in PHP and MySQL Update Profile Module – the users can update their profile such as their username and password using the update profile module of the system. The image below shows the update profile module of the system.

High School Grading System in PHP and MySQL Lists of Teachers Module – the administrator of the system is the one who has the access to view the list of teachers encoded in the system. The image below shows the module wherein the admin can add, update, delete and search the teacher information.

High School Grading System in PHP and MySQL Add Teacher Module – the teacher information such as the firstname, lastname, username, password and the profile picture must be encoded in the system so that they can login and use the features of the system such as the grade encoding and the master list of their students.

High School Grading System in PHP and MySQL Teacher Details – the teacher details page will display the name of the teacher and their number of students.

High School Grading System in PHP and MySQL Update Grade Module – the teacher can update the grade of the students using the update grade module feature of the system. They just need to select the name of the student then input or update the grades and save the record.

High School Grading System in PHP and MySQL Student Lists Module – the student information such as the firstname, lastname, username, password and the profile picture must be encoded in the system so that they can login and use the features of the system such as the grade viewing.

High School Grading System in PHP and MySQL Student Grade Details – the student grade details module as presented below displays the grade of the student from 1st grading to 4th grading and as well as their average or final grade. This module also displays if the student passed or failed the subject.

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Email. cenoga38@gmail.com
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