Herbal Identification App using Image Processing
Table of Contents
herbal identification app using image processing capstone project documentation, herbal identification app using image processing chapter 1 documentation, herbal identification app using image processing introduction, herbal identification app using image processing objectives of the study, herbal identification app using image processing capstone project proposal, herbal identification app using image processing significance of the study
The application is used to capture an image using the device camera. Based on the image taken, the application will compare it to the database and collection stored in the admin panel. The application will then display the result with accuracy rate.

The Herbal Identification App using Image Processing is intended to use for recognizing a herbal plant just by using its image. This project will require the various data about the plant species to be stored in the system, specifically herbal plants. This project aims to implement a system using image processing with images of the plant leaves as a basis of classification. The app will try to compare the extracted leaf image of the plant to the data set stored in the system. The system will then display the result which is the closest match to the query.
The continuous fluctuation of the number of herbs varieties is a serious problem. At the present, it is important to conserve herbs for it to be useful up until the next generations but the problem is even the botanists doesn’t have an efficient tool to identify different herbs. Collecting information about a specific herb is still difficult because of the scarcity of resources. Nowadays, identifying a herb consume time because there is still no efficient tool that can be utilize to produce a precise detail and accessible data.
To resolve the problems mentioned above, this project aims to implement a system that is used to recognize herds just by using an image. The app will consist of a camera which captures the image of the leaf and process it in order to generate a textual detailing about the name of the herb, its uses and availability. The result produced by the system is highly dependent on the brightness, contrast of the background where application is used. To have an accurate result, the user must take or provide an image with the resolution that is need for the image to be recognized and classified by the system correctly.
Objectives of the Study
In general, the capstone project aims to use the concept of machine learning in order to give and provide an accurate identification of herbal plants.
Specific objectives of the capstone project are the following:
- The system will serve as a repository of the different information about herbal plants.
- The system will be used to find and gather herbs detail using only its image.
- The system will provide an easy and accessible way to identify different herbs.
- The system will provide a camera to extract image and classify it to the system.
- The system will help in identifying herbal plants for it to be preserved and protected.
Significance of the Study
Botanist. The application will help them immediately identify the herbal plants just by using an image. This helps them save time spent in their researches.
Other Users. The app will highly benefit those who have difficulty in identifying herbal plant. This will benefit them because the app is easy to use only that the users need to meet the resolution of the image needed to have a correct result.
Researchers. The capstone project is a challenge on the part of the researchers for it includes machine learning theories and application. The process and result of the capstone project will give the researchers an additional knowledge as well.
Future Researchers. The project is very beneficial to the next batch of researchers for they can use the output of this capstone project in building and upgrading a similar study to this one.
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