Grade Management and Archiving System Review of Related Literature
This chapter includes literatures that are related to the study, prior arts and the synthesis connecting the concepts and the prior art.
Related Concepts of the Study
This includes the related concepts with regards to the study of the Student Grade Management System. The information gathered were very limited and is very difficult to find related concepts even in the internet
On Grades (marks) Encourage Students to Learn
Grades or marks enable students to evaluate themselves and choose the subjects they are good at. At the beginning of a college year, first year students always do oriented studies, in which they take part in almost all subjects. If the students’ performances are graded, they will be aware of the subjects they are best excelling at, and as a result, choose those which they will do for their educational career.
Furthermore, grades provide the possibility for students to know which of their mates they take a problem to in a particular subject. In school, students perform differently and in different subjects. Scoring will let students know which of their mates is good at a specific subject and capable of assisting them when they encounter difficulties in that area of study. For instance, some students are good in mathematics, others in psychology and so on, and only through scoring we can discover them.
Lastly, scoring helps students know their positions among their peers. When students take tests together, each of them will like to know whether he or she is the first, second, third, and so on. This tells each student whether he or she is progressing or retreating and to work harder to improve and have better results. In addition, grading evokes competition among students thereby enabling them to study more.
To sum up, as people study, there is need for them to be scored, as it will enable them to choose areas they are good at, know their positions among others and to work harder in order to achieve better results. (
Prior Arts
This includes the prior arts related to the study of Student Grade Management System. The information were taken from the internet for it is very difficult to find information about the existing studies concerning student grade management system in books.
On Monitoring and Appraisal System for Higher Scholastic Achievement in Houston Schools.

Two new achievement systems have been developed and implemented for the Houston Schools with relation to inventory of the student academic performances is the school board monitoring system.
The system sets a new standard for the administrative structure and systematic improvement process for higher scholastic achievement in the Houston schools. In 2001 Houston schools instituted a declaration of beliefs and visions, which is defined for school employees and the community that the district stands for and where it’s going. Row of the goals that has been put for the declarations are; to increase student achievement and increase students’ efficiency. The declaration determined to accomplish these goals through educational structure built upon the relationship between teacher and student. Decentralization and shared decision mortgage; a common core of academic subject for all students and focus upon performance, not compliance. The new system for Houston Schools provides a roadmap to achieve and measure the progress of these goals. It is detailed and objective providing a systematic means for meaningful and qualifiable organizational improvement. It is comprehensive and data –driven accountability. It requires the superintendent to submit.
On Students information system
In 2007, Daughter Valley High School, in San Ramon California, piloted a program called School Loop, essentially putting grade books attendance sheets, student binders and even blackboards online.
With a few mouse clicks on computer, students could see his/her assignments and test scores online as well as the parents to get informed with their students’ school performances
With School Loop, parents, teachers, administrators and students can access a vast quantity of data as effortless as opening an email. Ed Zaiontz, chair-elect of consortium for school networking and executive director of information services at the Round Rock Independent School District, encompassing parts of Austin, as well as Cedar Park and Round Rock, Texas says that the trend toward shuttling information between schools, homes, and district offices will continue to grow as the digital divides shrinks.
The real success of such product rests with the teachers. If they don’t update the system at the end with grades and assignments, the whole exercises become pointless. Bonnie Meyers says that she sees the undeniable merit of school loop when it is used properly, but there are times when it’s misused, or not used often.
On Master’s Project Report Spring 2006 Student Grades and Course Management Systems
This application is a user-friendly tool that encompasses all functions required to
create / maintain online course and student information. An instructor can use this tool to manage all courses offered by semester, to create / update / view student information currently enrolled, to calculate grades and to post notes, assignments all in one tool. Students will use this tool to upload/download/view assignments and to view current & estimated grades for the enrolled courses by semesters.
Grades or marks enable students to evaluate themselves and choose the subjects they are good at. The Student Grade Management System gives attention in grade transparency which enables the students to know and get aware of their academic performance and evaluate themselves unto what subject they are good at.
Monitoring and Appraisal System for Higher Scholastic Achievement in Houston Schools gave focus on the students’ academic performance which includes the concept of giving solution to the students’ grade transparency. Student-Information Systems, on the other hand makes a student information system and monitors the students’ academic performances including the students’ grades. In addition, Student Grades and Course Management System make online records of students’ information. Our study on Student Grade Management System focuses on the monitoring and management of student’s grade and promotes transparency to give answer to the students’ doubts with regards to their grades. The development of a system that will monitor the students’ grades of the students is expected to contribute to the development of the school’s information system. The awareness of the students to their grades will serve as a reliable reference to them to improve their studies to attain high grades. The existing studies as stated in the above literatures prove that monitoring student’s performances contributes to the student’s education. The existing studies get involve the World Wide Web in the design and implementation of the system. However, the Student Grade Management System is accessible to users through local networking.