How to design Gold Fish Guide Application
Gold Fish Guide Application – Android Based Guide on how to Take Care of Your Goldfish
Table of Contents
At present, learning became easy due to countless available learning resources brought by technology. People can easily search for ideas they wanted to learn. Technology made everything easy and convenient to learn and accomplish.
The capstone project, entitled “Gold Fish Guide Application” is a mobile application designed for gold fish owners. The application will assist owners in taking good care of their goldfishes. Gold fishes are sensitive and require thorough care for them to live longer. The manual method of acquiring knowledge on how to take proper care of gold fishes is not enough and not highly reliable which may leads on putting the lives of the gold fishes in jeopardy.
The researchers of the study proposed an IT-based Solution which is the development of the mobile application to serve as a guide for gold fish owners in taking proper care of their goldfishes. The application will be a highly accessible and reliable source of information to be used by goldfish owners.
The developed application will be presented to IT experts for evaluation. The researchers will revise the application based on the evaluation of the experts to ensure that the intended users will not encounter difficulties upon using the application.
The implementation of the application will significantly help gold fish owners. The application will guide them on how to properly care for their pets. They will be provided with facts on how to lengthen the lives of their goldfishes. The application is indeed a helpful tool.

Introduction of the Study
The capstone project, entitled “Gold Fish Guide Application” is an android-based application that stores and displays information on how to properly take care goldfishes. The application will assist those who owns goldfish as their pets at home on things to do in order to properly take care of their goldfishes and lengthen the life of their pet.
Nowadays, there are people who are fond of making goldfishes as their pet at home. Goldfish owners should be knowledgeable enough on how to properly take good care of their pets however they encounter difficulties in finding resources that can really provide them with the right tips on what are the proper ways to take care goldfishes. Goldfish owners usually rely on books and tips of other people which is not enough in completely providing them with the right and adequate information. Goldfish owners are in need of tools that will help them understand the needs of the goldfish in order to lengthen their life span.
Proposed Solution
To address the needs of goldfish owners mentioned above, the researchers of the study proposed an android-based application that will serve as a source of complete and right information on how to take care goldfish. The application will serve as a guide to those who own goldfish as their pets on how to properly care them, from their tank set up, care and needs, and feeding requirements in order for the goldfish to surely thrive and live for a long time. The application is easy and reliable in providing accurate information. It will let goldfish owners correctly care for their pets in an easy and convenient way.

Objectives of the Study
General Objective – The main goal of the project is to design and develop an android-based application that contains information about the proper ways to take care goldfishes and will serve as a guide for goldfish owners.
- To develop an application that contains complete and correct information on ways to properly care goldfish.
- The application will have a user-friendly interface that will simply display information about tips for taking care goldfishes.
- The application will be reliable as a source of information by goldfish owners.
- To design a mobile application that will help pet owners ensure that their goldfish thrive and live for a long time.
- The application is easy, convenient, and reliable to use.
Related Project
- Fish Catch Monitoring System
- Game-Based ELearning Platform for Fisheries
- Web and Mobile Based Fish Information Archiving System

Scope of the Study
The proposed study will mainly focus on developing an android-based application that will serve as a guide for gold fishes owners. The application is limited on providing and displaying information on how to take proper care of gold fishes. The application will allow the intended users to browse information related on ways how to take care of gold fishes. The application will be presented to IT experts and the respondents for checking, testing and evaluation of the application.
Significance of the Study
The success of the project is significant to the following individuals or groups:
Goldfish Owners. The success of the project will directly benefit those who own a goldfish as their pet at home. By having the application, it will be easier for them to take good care of their pet while ensuring that it will thrive for a long time. The application will help the owners provide the proper care needed by the goldfish.
Researchers. The success of the project will be charged to their experience as well as enhance their skills and knowledge in conducting projects.
Future Researchers. The study will serve as their reference if they want to make an update or if they wish to develop their own version of the study.
Technological advancements made learning easy and convenient. People can easily browse for information they wanted to learn using technology. The researchers of the project conducted the study to develop an android-based application that will assist gold fish owners in taking good care of their pets. The result of the study showed that the developed Gold Fish Guide Application met the needs and requirements of the intended users. Majority of the respondents and intended users have seen the potential of the developed application in providing accurate and reliable resources on how to take care gold fishes.
The application will be an effective and efficient alternative reference for gold fish owners. The application will eliminate all the difficulties encountered in the manual approach of acquiring accurate information on how to lengthen the lives of the gold fishes. Therefore, the researchers concluded that the developed application should be used by gold fish owners.
The result of the study prompts the researchers to highly recommend the implementation of the developed application. The researchers recommend the application for its efficiency and reliability that can be rendered to the intended users. The application is highly recommended as an alternative source of information designed for goldfish owners. The researchers suggest that the intended users must have enough knowledge on how the application works for them to use it correctly.
The researchers of the study recommend the following:
- The application should be used by gold fish owners as a source of accurate information on how to properly take care goldfishes.
- The researchers highly recommend the application for its availability and accessibility by the users anytime and anywhere.
- The implementation of the application is highly recommended for it will enable taking care of gold fishes easy, convenient and enjoyable.
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