Game Based Elearning App Review of Related Literature
This article presents the related literature and studies that may help the researchers in developing the proposed system.
These concepts, ideas, and studies are adopted by the researchers to support the study and to establish references that are important and necessary in the development of system.

A Guideline for Game Development-Based Learning: A Literature Review
According to Bian Wu and Alf Inge Wang (2012), their study aims at reviewing the published scientific literature on the topics of a game development-based learning (GDBL) method using game development frameworks (GDFs) with the perspective of (a) summarizing a guideline for using GDBL in a curriculum, (b) identifying relevant features of GDFs, and (c) presenting a synthesis of impact factors with empirical evidence on the educational effectiveness of the GDBL method ( &
Android Based E-Learning for Computer Fundamentals
According to this site (2013), Android Based E-learning for Computer Fundamentals is an application that will help students study and learn the basic concepts and lessons of information technology specifically in hardware and software. Each category has its own lessons and the students can take a quiz after they have read the lessons (
This mobile game will help the students to appreciate their subject. The focus of this study is to help increase the level of knowledge and understanding of the IT students regarding on their specific subject. This application is not only for entertainment but also it provides learning’s to the user base on the specific lessons includes on it.
Android-Based Quizzes System
Tai Than Hy (2012), cited in his book an online quiz system that supports multiple choice question which requires faculty to create own course and group number for them to choose which will be given the quiz. Questions used for quizzes will be added from a form page. Students, are required to send joining group request to get the permission. The system will show the scores of the students. The results will be stored in database and automatically mailed to faculty (
This study will help the faculty in giving their specific quizzes to the students even though the faculty is not around. Through this, they will be able to maximize their class hours with the used of this online quiz system.
Android Mobile Educational Game for Criminology
Cited on this site (2014), Android Mobile Educational Game is created and dedicated to Criminology students to serve as an educational tool in teaching and can help students in learning because it will enhance the learning ability of the students and provide them information related to their course. The students will pay more attention in this educational game because they can enjoy themselves playing while they are learning (
This android game application is designed for Criminology students. However, the focus of this project was to provide a mobile educational game for their smart phones that is related to their course. The benefits of this project is that it can be used and play by the students during their free time and especially outdoor.
E-Learning via Android Application
As stated on this site (2013), this project focuses on developing a mobile application that includes the major functionalities of the UTP E-Learning website which are used by students, into a stand-alone mobile application (M-Learning). UTP E-Learning is a website created for students to ease the usage of the website; it is also a platform for the students to upload and download any education related notes or files (
Through this website, the students can easily use the website in terms of uploading and downloading their lessons. Most of the time, as long as there is an internet, they can have an access in the lessons and they can easily review their lessons.
With the help of these different related studies and literature about android learning applications the researchers can have an additional idea in developing the proposed system. However, the study aims to develop a Game Based Elearning App, based on the related studies; it serves as guidelines on how to develop a system with a better graphical design and functions that gives attraction to the end users.
Credits to the researchers and developers of the study/project.
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