Title of the project: Food Ordering App
Areas of investigation and development: web and mobile development
Development Tools: PHP, MySQL, Bootstrap, Java, Android Studio
With the emergence of modernity, technology is playing a vital role in helping people accomplish a certain work. Nowadays, most people relies on smartphones for a large number of reasons. Smartphones which are installed with variety of mobile apps that comes in handy for everyday living. The apps have made a lot of things convenient for the users. At present, we can’t neglect the fact that people are having a busy lifestyle. Every other person chose the faster way of accomplishing a task and one of this is they prefer to order food online rather than cooking at home. Online Food Ordering is the process of ordering food without having to go to the restaurant. It is a simple and convenient way for customers to purchase food. This is why, Food Ordering App is going to be develop.

This project aims to build an application program that would serve as an online platform for ordering food. This project also aims to reduce the manual work for managing the food items information, orders of customers, deliveries and payments.
Significance of the Study
This project will benefit the following group or individuals:
The administrator/Owner of Restaurant. A Food Ordering App will serve as another medium to market the food to the customers. It is also a channel to reach customers across space and time. A Food Ordering App will make the restaurant gain more profits in a faster and convenient way. The admin can easily add details such as available food items, prices, locations and choice of payments.
The Users/Customers. Food Ordering App can help customers with busy lifestyle. Instead of cooking at home they can order food online which is hassle-free. Through this application the customers can order food from their favorite restaurants their choice of cuisines, they can decide whether to get it delivered or to pick up from the restaurant. The customer can choose how to pay from various mode of payments like through debit cards, credit cards, and cash or card in delivery.
Literature Review
Mobile Food Ordering Application Using Android OS Platform
According to Michael Yosep Ricky et al. (2014), the growing number of restaurants makes restaurant development more competitive. Therefore, all restaurants keep improving their quality of service; one of the services is delivery order. Delivery order service offered by a number of restaurants is by making order through mobile phone. By following the technology development, some popular restaurants offered website as a choice for making orders in online mode. Moreover, not all ordering food websites provide pictures and menus descriptions for its customer (www.epj-conferences.org).
Food Feast Application Using Android through GPS
According to Rajmohan.C et al.(2016), Food Feast is an Android (Android Google API 1.5 or higher) based Mobile Food Ordering Application. This application allows customers to keep accounts with the food court in order to make frequent ordering convenient. Food Feast consists of four modulus, they are Login module: it is used to set the customer details, Items Display module: it is used to display the number of items to the customer, Order Tracking module: it is used to track the food using GPS, Feedback module: it is used to improve the service and know the satisfaction level using Digital Signature. A quality of service has to be improved such as order the food using mobile phone and delivery it to the customer (www.irjet.net).
The researchers learned that in ordering goods the customer’s needs to login for the data of the users like the proposed system that the customers must register for allowing the clients to use the application. By the help of GPS the food feast is tracked. It gives ideas to the researchers to improve the developed system.
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