Flood Monitoring with SMS Notification Review of Related Literature
This chapter presents the related literature of previously completed studies whose salient findings support and substantiate the presented arguments in favor of developing the system. It discusses different systems and their functions. The researchers highlighted various theories which were essential in the development of the SMS-Based Flood Monitoring System with Mobile Application.
SMS Based Flood Monitoring and Early Warning System
Azid, Chand, Jacquier, Prasad, Raghuwaiya and Sharma (2015) demonstrates the design process, implementation and experimental verification of an SMS based Flood Monitoring and Early Warning system with tools such as credit top-up and storing contact numbers that will be done via SMS. The system provides timely information and alerts at-risk or threatened populace and relevant authorities using SMS when the level of water surpasses the user-defined threshold value. The simple yet effective warning system is deemed to be one of the fastest and cost effective method of alerting the relevant authorities and the vulnerable residence.

Design of an Automated River Water Level Monitoring System by using Global System for Mobile Communications
Agrey Kato, Ramadhan Sinde and Shubi Kaijage (2015) proposes a wireless solution, based on Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) network for monitoring and controlling of the river water level parameter. One of the advantages of the system is that it can be used for the decrement of water level in the rivers and water level rising in a case of flooding. The system at a particular interval continuously sends river water level measurements to the concerned authority with water environment flow management, but once the river water reaches the critical level either by decreasing or flooding, an alarm will be sent via GSM network to the personal in charge. The system allows on-line configurations of the system equipment on the field, and it uses open access platform Arduino as the main controller, ultrasonic sensing hardware and web infrastructure that allows remote access to information in any place of the country.
FloodSense | A Flood Water-level Monitoring System using GSM
BigHero4, a team composed of C. Escares, L. Froyalde, S. Gevaña and B. Pedrosa (2015) from First Asia Institute of Technology and Humanities in Tanauan City, in Batangas, in partnership with Brainsparks and JumpSparc come up with a project that will help to reduce the risks that are brought upon by flooding. Their idea is to create a flood-water level monitoring system which has an SMS capability to which will provide critical information to the people near those flood-prone areas. FloodSense is implemented with a GSM module which enables FloodSense to send information to subscribers regarding the flood water level in their subscribed area. Also, anyone can acquire real-time flood level measurement as long as they know the SMS code for the FloodSense module they want to access information. FloodSense, if installed in sidewalk and road has the capability to advise people most especially road users and passengers if a particular area/road is flooded is passable or not. This means that commuters will reduce the risk of being stranded. Road traffic will also be reduced during a flood. Business delivery delays will also be avoided. (https://floodsense.wordpress.com)
Water level indicator with SMS alert for emergency flood
Based in Summit Grover (2016), in India seasonal rivers don’t have water all over the year and what happen people use to go inside river when the level is not very high, or maybe the dams store the water so the level is not very high usually. So Grover designed an onboard power supply using 12 – 0- 12 transformer, diode in 4007, capacitor 1000uf and regulator 7805. Grover made three levels in the bottle to demonstrate it, and whenever the water reach that level, the indication is made on the LED and also via SMS to the particular phone number.
The above-mentioned related literature, studies, and prior arts are using Water Level Sensor for Flood, GSM module SMS notification for mobile application and using warning transmitter. At the same time, the developed system uses a hardware Water Level Sensor technology and GSM module. The related system focused only on the flood.
Credit to the authors of the project.
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