Financial Management System Free Bootstrap Template
Table of Contents
Introduction of the Study
The capstone project, entitled “Financial Management with SMS” will allow organizations to electronically manage financial activities. The said project will serve as a platform were organizations manage and store information especially financial reports. The financial management system will also have SMS feature to notify members of the organizations for updates.
Nowadays, financial management is considered as a critical activity in every organization. Organizations aim to fully maximize their potential in managing their finances in order to ensure that they would gain and lessen the probability of losses. Conventionally, organizations record financial information using a physical book called ledger. The manual method in managing financial activities is prone to human errors and involves loads of paper works. The manual process is thought to be inefficient and ineffective. Organizations are in need of an automated system that will assist them to efficiently manage their overall financial activities.
Proposed Solution
To address the aforementioned concerns, the researchers of the study proposed a Financial Management System with SMS notification. The proposed system will streamline the process of managing and storing organization’s information related to their finances especially during events. The system will serve as a repository of information such as members’ information, events, financial records and other related information. By using the system, records will be electronically safe and secured. The system will ease up the job of the finance department and the system will help them in lessening the errors encountered in carrying out the task. The system is easy, reliable and convenient to use.
Objectives of the Study
General Objective – the main goal of the project is to design and develop a Financial Management System with SMS to automate the process of managing finances in an organization.
Specifically, the project aims the following objectives:
- To design a system that will automate the process of financial management.
- To develop a financial management system with SMS feature for notification.
- The system will serve as a repository of financial records.
- The output of the study will assist organizations in managing finances.
- The system is easy, safe, reliable and convenient to use.
Significance of the Study
The success of the project is significant to the following individuals or group:
Organizations. The success of the project will highly benefit them by providing them an automated system that will assist them in handling their financial activities. They can utilize the system to securely store their financial records.
Members of Organizations. The system will ensure them that their payments are recorded and are safely kept. The system will also help them be updated about the organization’s events by receiving SMS.
Researchers. The success of the study will help them gain more experience, skills and knowledge in developing successful projects.
Future Researchers. The study can serve as their references if they wish to make an update for the system or if they want to develop their own version of the project.
Development Tools
The capstone project,” Financial Management with SMS” is a system that allows electronic management of financial activities. The system will let organization and its member’s process financial-related transactions using the system.
This article will provide you with an idea on what are the forms to be included in a Financial Management System with SMS. PHP and Bootstrap were used to develop the said template.
Documentation of the project is available upon request (chapters 1 to 5). Feel free to message us for the complete documentation of the project.
Project Highlights
The Financial Management System with SMS is a database driven system that will automate the processes in handling financial related activities in an organization. The system will help to efficiently handle organization’s finances.
Listed below are the advantages of Financial Management System with SMS:
- Automated Management- by using the system the organizations can electronically process their financial records.
- Records Management – it is a database system which makes the records of the finances electronic, safe, accurate, reliable and fast.
- Fast Transaction – the system will let the completion of financial transaction quickly, accurate and transparent.
How the System Works
This section of the paper will discuss the flow of the system by showing the forms, modules and user interface of the Financial Management System with SMS Notification.
Features of the system
Administrator and other user of the system can:
- Barangay Management – (CRUD) create and update the information of the different cooperating barangay.
- Barangay Officer Management – (CRUD) create and update the information of the different officer of the every barangay.
- Member Management – (CRUD) create and update the information of the member profile and information.
- Event Scheduling
- Event Category – (general, harvest, cleaning, water distribution) – with SMS notification
- Records Management – archive files
- Reports – can be export into excel and PDF
- Expense with graphical reports
- Payment Report with graphical reports
- Events Report
- User Management – (CRUD) create and update the information of the system users.
- Back-up Database
- SMS Configuration – update the API code and password (iTexMO SMS API).
User Interface of the project
The password of the zip file is jk36kld3.
Login Form – the login form will be used by the intended users of the system when logging in to the system. The users will have its unique username and password to be able to access the records and features of the system.
Shown below is the design of the login form.

Dashboard – this dashboard serves as the main page of the administrator upon accessing the system. The administrator’s dashboard displays the following information:
- # of Member – total number of members registered in the system
- Total Income
- Total Expenses
- # of Event – number of events to be conducted
The image shown below is the design of the administrator’s dashboard.

Barangay Management – this module requires the admin to manage information about the barangay. The admin can add, edit or delete barangay information. The module requires the following information:
- Barangay name
- Barangay info
- Encoded by
Shown below is the layout of the barangay management module.

Barangay officer – this form requires the information of the barangay officer to be encoded in the system. The following information mentioned below should be entered in the system.
- Barangay – combo box
- Member ID
- Position
- Inclusion date
- Is active
- Encoded by
Shown below is the design of the barangay officer form.

Member info – this form requires and displays the information of the members to be input in the system. The form requires the following information of the members:
- Barangay – combo box
- Member code
- last_name
- first_name
- middle_name
- home_address
- farm_address
- contact
- gender
- birth_date
- profile_picture
- proof_of_identity – upload valid docu (ID, Birth cert, passport, etc)
- is_active
- Encoded by
The image shown below is the form design of the member information.

Event category – this form will let the system administrator to manage and encode details about event categories.
- event_category_name
Shown below is the design of the event category form.
Event- this form allow the management of event details, such as adding and editing events. The from will let the admin or encoder enter the following information:
- event_category – combo box
- event_name
- event_description
- meeting_online_link
- event_date
- event_time
- encoded by
Shown below is the design of the event form.

File category – this from will allow file management by letting the administrator input the category of files. The admin or encoder must enter the category name of the file using the form.
- category_name
The image below is the design of the file category form.
File Management – this module will allow the admin or encoder to manage files stored in the system. The module requires the following information mentioned below.
- file_category – combo box
- file_name
- file_description
- file_upload
- upload_date
- encoded by
Shown below is the layout of the file management module.

Expense Management – this module will allow admin to manage expense details by filling out information needed. The following information should be entered to the system:
- reference_number
- expense_name
- expense_description
- amount
- date
- encode by
The image shown below is the layout of the expense management module.

Payment – this form requires and displays information about the payments details. The form requires the following information:
- reference_number
- payment_for
- or_no
- amount
- paid_by
- payment_date
- encoded by
Shown below is the design of the payment form.

Ledger Information – this form will displays the ledger information that highlights the expenses. The ledger information will be presented using a table and a graph.
- ledger_name
- reference_number
- date
- expense
- payment
The image shown below is the design of the ledger information form.

Setting – this form will allow updating the company information and the update will also be reflected on the reports. The form allows an update for the following information below:
- company_name
- company_address
- company_contact
- company_tin
- company_logo
- updated by
The image shown below is the form design of the setting.
User Management – the administrator of the system can add another user account that can access the project.
User management module includes the following information:
- username
- password
- avatar
- fullname
- contact
- category
- status
SMS Setting – this will allow the admin to manage the API code and API password for the SMS.
- API code
- API password
Shown below is the design of the SMS Setting page.

Database backup log – this form will allow the system administrator to manage data about the backup database of the records in the system. The database backup log requires the following information to be encoded:
- Back-up name
- Backup_date
The image shown below is the design of the database backup log.
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