Title: Faculty Deliverables Monitoring with SMS Notification (File Management System)
This is a web based project designed and developed in PHP, MySQL and Material Design in Bootstrap. The purpose of this project is to allow the faculty members to upload their requirements and deliverables such as grades, syllabus, learning materials, etc. With this online application, it will be easier for the faculty members and for the department heads to communicate with each other and as well as to monitor the requirements and files submitted. The said project has also a notification feature via sms that will remind the faculty about the deadline of requirements.
Database Schema with description of table:

tblactivities(id, activityname, description, activity_date) – tblactivities will store information about the different activities of the department which includes meetings, schedule of exams, etc.
tbladmin(id, username, password) – this table will store the username and password of administrator or the department head.
tbldownloadble(id, downloadablefile, description) – the table will store information on the list of files which can be download publicly.
tblfaculty(id, facultyid, lname, fname, mname, address, contact, username, password) – tblfaculty will store the information of the faculty members of the department, it includes the faculty id number, name, contact and the username and password information used to access the system.
tblfilecategory(id, categoryname, description, deadline) – it is the table that will hold the information about the different groups of files such as exam, grades, etc.
tblfilesubmitted(id, filename, categoryid, description, facultyid, semesterid, schoolyearid, uploadedfile, dateuploaded, dateupdated, status, remarks) – tblfilesubmitted table will store information about the file submitted by the faculty members. The table also records the date of submission and as well as the date it was updated.
tblinbox(id, message_date, subject, message, sendto, senderid, sender_name) – tblinbox table will store information of the messages via sms and through the built-in feature of messaging in the project.
tblnotification(id, facultyid, notification, datetimenotif, status) – notification table will store information about the announcements and other important messages.
tblschoolyear(id, schoolyear) – this will hold information on list of schoolyear
tblsemester(id, semester) – this will hold information on list of semester.

System Flow:
The administrator/department head will encode first the semester, school year, activities, file category and the profile of the faculty members.
The faculty can now access the system, upload the requirements and interact with other faculty through sms and built-in messaging system.
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