Employee Leave Management Capstone Project
The capstone project entitled “Employee Leave Management” is a database system that records and automate the leave application and credits of an employee in an organization. This document or article is an example of chapter 1 of the said project. It includes the introduction, objectives and significance of the study. In addition this can also serve as a guide in the preparation of capstone proposal, just don’t forget to give credit to the website.
The team can develop the project in two versions:
- Web and Mobile based version using PHP, MySQL, Bootstrap and Android Development
- Stand-alone or network based using Visual Basic and MySQL/MariaDB

In business industries, technology played a vital role in making every business transactions easier by using different systems. In businesses, employers want to keep employees in work at all time but it is not possible, employees deserves their fair share of time to rest and recuperate so business organizations must grant work leaves to their employees because overworked employees are unproductive one. To address this situation, the researcher of the proposed study entitled “Employee Leave Management System” aimed to provide a platform wherein managing of employee’s leave will be automated in a hassle-free manner for both the management and the employees. Navigating efficiently the leave request of the employees is very important and without leave management system it is very tricky and challenging. Within just one misstep in the process it can cause problems to the organization especially in payroll processing and legal complications. The proposed system would be the solution in handling all the stages involve in leave management such as application, approval/rejection, filing leaves, managing leave balance, and analysis.
The proposed system will made an improvement from the manual system of managing employee’s leave request. This will eliminate paper works and will not require a lot of time and effort from both sides.
Objectives of the Study
In general the project aims to automate and replace the manual method into automated or database oriented project.
The following are the specific objectives of the study.
- To provide a system that would serve as a centralized location for work leave requests.
- To provide a system that would help business organizations process efficiently the transactions involving work leave filing and applications.
- To provide an up-to-date information system for leave management.
- To provide a system that would reduce the manual work of a business.
- To design a system that is more convenient and has a comfortable environment for the administrators and the users.
Significance of the Study
The following individual or groups will benefit from the project:
Admin/Management. The system will help the admins in processing the leave requests of different employees. The system will ensure smooth functioning of their operations. The used of the system will lessen the problem that they might encounter in the organizations.
User. The success of this system will significantly benefit the users for it will be very easy for them to file for work leave. They will have a platform wherein they will not loss track of their leave balances and will let them know when will be the perfect time to file for leave.
Future Researchers. The future researchers may integrate the project in other information system such as the employee profiling, attendance and payroll system.
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