ELearning Platform for Web and Mobile Review of Related Literature
A Web and Mobile Elearning Platform easily tracked and help the users to find their all events, activities and etc.
These related literature and studies are herein cited to give better understanding of the said study and to find out what have been done on the study.
The Social Networking
According to Tian, of the University of Science & Technology of China (Suzhou Campus) and A. Yu, D.Vogeland Chi-Wai Kwok of City University of Hong Kong, suggest that students’ online social networking directly influences social learning and can positively influence academic learning. In terms of learning, students reported that Facebook allowed them to connect with the faculty and other students in term of friendship/social relationship, provide comments to peers/share knowledge, share feelings with peers, join Groups established for subjects, collaboration: notification, discussion, course schedule, project management calendar and to use educational applications for organizing learning activities.

The team says that, “Facebook greatly influences college students’ social life and shows good potential in coping with the challenges that students face.” They conclude that, “Educational institutions may need to adopt active (but somewhat restrained) actions to utilize existing social network applications such as Facebook for education. Teaching activities will need to be appropriately designed for different target populations. The breakthrough point may start from students’ social learning.”(http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/05/110509091557.htm)
Edmodo Social Learning Platform
Based in San Mateo, California (USA), Edmodo was founded in 2008 by Nicolas Borg and Jeff O’Hara. It is considered as a social networking site (very similar to Facebook) for teachers and students.
It provides a secure and easy environment where pupils can share their content, and access several activities, evaluations and notices. Users can send and receive messages, discuss on forums and share digital resources such as videos, audios or images. All evaluations and grades are easily stored and accessible anytime. It can be accessible online and by mobile devices (including Android and iPhones). The platform is available in 6 languages including English, German, Greek, French, Spanish and Portuguese. In the first quarter of 2013, there were over 18.8 million people registered in over 90 countries. 85 of the largest US school districts have already chosen it.(http:www//edmodo.com)
According to Veletsianos and Navarrete of University of Texas at Austin, USA, the potential of social networking sites to contribute to educational endeavors is highlighted by researchers and practitioner’s alike, empirical evidence on the use of such sites for formal online learning is scant. The literature suggests that SNSs hold promise for online education. Nevertheless, considerable gaps exist in the empirical literature, especially with regards to what the student experience is like in these environments. A contributing factor to these gaps is the scarcity of studies reporting on the use of social networks in formal education, with Arnold and Paulus (2010). (http://www.irrodl.org/index.php/irrodl/article/view/1078/2077)
The Social Learning and Collaboration Platform
The study of Borgatti, S. P., & Cross, R. (2003).A Relational View of Information Seeking and Learning in Social Networks. Management Science, 49(4), 432-445.A Social Learning and Collaboration Platform; the other is PACTS (Program and Course Tracking System), which we use to further manage more detailed course and program information. Social and professional networking. For example, someone in instructional design might benefit from learning about new technologies and their pedagogical implications, while someone in marketing might benefit from learning the latest in Web analytics technology, and a new hire in registration would need to learn the systems and applications necessary to register World Campus students. There is a need for rapid and efficient communication between people in the various roles and in different status levels within the organization (the organization does maintain a loose hierarchy of workers typical of academic institutions.(http://sites.psu.edu/natalieharp/writings/proposal-a-social-learning-and-collaboration-platform)
According to Yonghong Wu, Jianchao Luo, Lei Luo School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 610054 benbshmily@126.com, andyluomail@163.com, lluo@uestc.edu.cn
Android which Google released as an open-source mobile phone operating system is a Linux-based platform; it consists of the operating system, middleware, and user interface and application software. xFace is a cross-platform web application engine for mobile Internet. As a global leader in mobile web application engine, xFace [1] has the advantages of versatility, easy to master, universal. It significantly reduces the effort of development; while the services of testing which porting layer provides, will greatly reduce the developer’s development costs.(http://www.studymode.com/essays/Android-International-Conference-On-Computer-And-1439090.html)
According to Sotelo, 2005, Interactive Learning, is a pedagogical approach that incorporates social networking and urban computing into course design and deliver. Interactive Learning has evolved out of the hyper-growth in the use of digital technology and virtual communication, particularly by students. The use of interactive technology in learning for these students is as natural as using a pencil and paper were to past generations.”The Relevance of the Study that there is a need for integration of software such as interactive learning. This could be benefit android application user namely the pre-schooler who does not have the confidence in learning through this type of android software that performs interactive functions in a single interface. If an integration would cater mostly to the need of computer users. This software is interactive android learning software that shoes the basic learning needed of a person or student which will greatly help the user in learning in school and at home. (http://www.studymode.com/essays/The-Review-Of-Related-Literature-And-54993702.html)
The study of Lim Dr. Natasa Christodoulidou Assistant Professor of Marketing College of Business Administration and Public Policy California State University; there are various platforms provided by the social media networks such as Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and Twitter to the marketing of products and services for the hospitality industry. Social network offers media technologies that can facilitate online functionality and monitoring perspectives wherein the data gathered can be used to develop their services for customer satisfaction. The hospitality industry can market themselves in social media and networking. Hospitality industry can use social media to engage customers and clients in dialogue and recognize their needs.http://www.studymode.com/essays/Social-Media-Branding-958418.html)
Online Examination in Trigonometry
According to Paradero, 2007.The online examination in Trigonometry with analytical Geometry of selected students at Central Colleges of the Philippines, during the academic year 2006 – 2007.It also focuses on the advantage of having an online examination, which is also stated in the objectives. Paradero stated in her study that constructing pencil and paper test is a professional skill. It takes study, time and practice to become proficient in it. An instructor needs to be familiar with the different types of test items and how to write them. But nowadays, educators do their research to update themselves son the current trends and issues in education, prepare their lessons, deliver or present in their classes, compute grades with the use of computers. Likewise, the computers are being used by some educators in administering examination. The online examination is a new approach in education. Today, many schools have considers the application of online examinations among its students. The Development if online examination had simplified the preparation of examination and assessment of learning achieved by the students.
The Local Area Network Examination
The study of (K. Alvarez, 2003); A Local Area Network (LAN) Based examination that tries to eliminate the use of manual processing into a computerized system by developing a software product. It has been found that the study helped lessen the work of the instructors especially on checking the answers.(http://www.studymode.com/essays/Lan-Based-394094.html)
The Parents Portal
According to Russel, 2009. The Parents Portal gives the parent an opportunity to view their student’s schedules, performance, and statement of accounts. Parents also have access to review current contact information, which may be used to help the school maintain accurate contact data. Online Reporting is the innovative use of media and communication technologies such as emails, blogs, websites and text alerts in order to keep parents informed about their children’s achievements, progress, behavior and attendance. It is important for teachers and schools to consult parents on how they would like to be kept informed on the progress of their child. Some parents prefer face – to – face contact, whereas others may favor the convenience of tools such as text alerts or online reporting to gain a quick insight of their child’s progress. A website is one of the most effective communication tools that are easily accessible for most schools and parents. (http://www.studymode.com/essays/Parent-portal.html)
With the help of these different related studies and literature about elearning application and other related systems, the researchers can have an additional idea in developing the proposed system. However, the study aims to develop an elearning platform for both web and mobile, based on the related studies; it serves as guidelines on how to develop a system with a better graphical design and functions that gives attraction most especially to the students.
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