Drone Based Seeding Application Controlled by Mobile Devices
Table of Contents
Introduction of the Study
The capstone project, entitled “DroneSeed App” is a drone based seeding application controlled by mobile devices. The project will enable planting trees faster than human hands by using drones.
Nowadays, we are dealing with the reality that we are losing forest faster than nature is regenerating it due to wildfires. The Current methods which rely on manual labor to keep up with and maintain our forests are insufficient to keep up with and maintain our forests. There is a need of an effective system and strategy to quickly replant trees in forest for the benefit of the people and the community as a whole.

Proposed Solution
The proposed solution for the above mentioned problem is to develop a drone based seeding application controlled by mobile devices. Application will be used to control drones in taking care of replanting seeds of trees. The app will help in planting trees six times faster than human hands. Planting trees in a fast and effective manner can help in speeding up reforestation.
Objectives of the Study
General Objective – the main objective of this study is to develop a drone based seeding application that will assist in distributing tree seeds in the forest to speed up reforestation.
Specific Objectives
Specifically, the project aims the following objectives:
- To develop an application that will be used to control drone in distributing seeds.
- The application will replace manual labor in planting trees.
- To design an application that will help in speeding up reforestation.
- The application is accurate, reliable and convenient to use in assisting seed distribution.
Significance of the Study
The following individuals or groups will benefit from the project:
End-Users. The end-users of this application are most probably those who take care of the forest. Application will help them ease up replanting and distributing seeds for reforestation. Furthermore, the project can also be used in the agriculture sector for planting seeds of high value crops. Output of the project will also be beneficial to the farmers.
Researchers. Researchers of the study will gain credits in developing a helpful tool in speeding up reforestation.
Future Researchers. The study can help them as a reference in pursuing their own research study in developing DroneSeed Application.
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