Doorbell Notification App That Supports SMS Using Android
Table of Contents
Introduction of the Study
The capstone project entitled “Doorbell Notification App that Supports SMS Using Android” will allow home owners to receive alerts when a visitor is at the door. The application will have an SMS feature sent to home owners for them to be aware that someone is trying to access their house. The owner will either grant or deny access of the guest.

Doorbells have played a critical role in ensuring the safety and security of modern homes. The doorbell is a traditional method of alerting the house/building occupant that a visitor or someone is at the entrance. It is usually positioned near the building’s entrance door and when rung, it usually indicates the presence of a person. The standard doorbell cannot guarantee a greater percentage of protection to the homeowners since it only uses a ringing notification.
Proposed Solution
The researchers aim to create a doorbell notification app with SMS for android phones to enhance the protection provided by doorbells. The homeowner can still be notified even remotely that someone is at the door. The app will aid in the protection of the home’s security by preventing unauthorized access such as theft and invasion.The owner can answer the bell and decide whether to admit a visitor outside the door or not. The doorbell notification app had an additional feature which is the SMS that will be sent to the owner to inform that someone is trying to access their home. Using the advance doorbell notification app, will guarantee a greater percentage of protection in homes.
Objectives of the Study
General Objective – the main objective of the project is to design and develop a Doorbell Notification App with SMS to notify home owners that someone is trying to access their homes.
Listed below are the specific objectives of the project:
- To create an app that will warn homeowners about potential access to their homes.
- The app will have an SMS feature that will be sent to the homeowners.
- To design an app that will enhance security at homes.
- The app will be efficient, accurate and reliable to use.
- Evaluate the output of the project using a standard questionnaire. The application will be evaluated on the following characteristics:
- Functionality
- Reliability
- Usability
- Efficiency
- Maintainability
- Portability
Significance of the Study
The success of the study will be beneficial to the following individuals or group:
Home Owners. The success of the application will highly benefit the homeowners. The application will highly benefit them in letting them feel secure at home and avoid unauthorized access.
Researchers. The researcher’s experience in conducting the project will contribute to their knowledge and skills in developing helpful programs.
Future Researchers. The study will serve as their basis or reference in doing their own pursuit of doorbell notification app.
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