Doctor Appointment System in PHP and MySQL
The project entitled Doctor Appointment System is an online platform that allows the customer/patient to register their information online. After the approval of account, they can now login and request for an appointment with their doctors. The admin will serve as the middle man or secretary between the doctor and patient. The admin can manage the records of the system.
The said system was designed and developed in PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap. Our team is willing to help you modify the project based on your specific requirements.
Patient Sign-up – to access and use the services of the platform the customer/patient will need first to sign-up and enter their personal information such as their name, address, contact, email, username and password. The image below is the sign-up form of the project.

Login Form – after the approval of the customer/patient registration, they can now use the services of the platform. They need to enter the username and password (the one they used in the registration process) to access the system and book for an appointment with their doctor. This is also the login form used by the administrator to access the system and manage the records.

Dashboard – this page serves as the homepage of the administration part of the system, this module can only be accessed after the login process. Based on the image below, the dashboard of the system shows the number of doctors affiliated or recorded in the system, the number of registered customers/patient, the number of appointments separated according to the status (cancelled, accepted or confirmed) and the number of medicines in the inventory list.

List of Doctors – the module presented below is the lists of doctors affiliated or connected to this specific clinic or laboratory. The information includes the name, gender, contact number, address, schedule and specialization.

Add Announcement – this module can only be accessed and managed by the administrator of the system, they can post and update an announcement which can be viewed in the front-end website of the system. The announcements are posted and can be viewed by anyone without having to enter their username and password, in other words it is available to the public visitors of the website.

Lists of Activities – this refers to the list of announcements created and posted by the administrators, as you can see in the image below, the admin can add, update and delete an announcement.

Consultation Form – this module records the patient information, consultation fee, findings and recommendation of the doctor and medicine prescription with quantity. Information will be stored and archived in the patient health record that will serve as a guide for the next consultation.

Patient Appointment Page – this page is for the customer/patient so that they can monitor their appointment schedule.

Services Offered Page – this page is on the front-end part of the website, this is where all the services of the laboratory are posted.

Schedule Appointment – this module is where the customer/patient sets and applies for an appointment with their doctor, they will specify the date and time of the consultation. Customers/patients can also set an appointment in the clinic if they don’t have the internet connection. In the image below, the admin can also access the feature and sets an appointment; this method is for the walk-in patient/customer.

Lists of Cancelled Appointment – the customer can cancel an appointment provided that they will inform the doctor ahead of time, doctors on the other hand can also cancel an appointment provided that they can refer their patient to the other doctor. The image below is the module that records and archives the cancelled appointments.

Lists of Customers – information of patient/customer are recorded in this module of the system. Information of the customer/patient is based on their registration. The approved registration of the customer/patient will proceed in this module of the project. The user itself can update their personal information.

Send Schedule Request – customer/patient can send a schedule request to their doctor for confirmation of the date and time of consultation.

Lists of Medicines – list of medicines available in the clinic/laboratory are recorded and stored in this module of the project; this is only for recording purposes, the system is not yet capable of inventory of medicine, that feature will be incorporated in the next version of the system.

Contact no. 09663746261
Credits to the authors of the project.
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