Data Flow Diagram and Decomposition Chart of Alumni Information System
Design Phase
In this phase, the proponents described the system including the desired features and functionality. The system was then designed to match the requirements to hardware or software system that establishes the overall system architecture. The program design that represents the software system function in a form that can be interactively accessed by the user as to the extent of satisfying user needs.
Context Diagram of the Alumni Information System

The context diagram of Alumni Information System in Figure above illustrates the users input to the system and the output information to the users. Alumni, Alumni Officer, and System Administrator are the users of the system.

Level 1 DFD Explosion of the Alumni Information System
Figure above presents the process on how users can access the system and the system features. The developed system is composed of four (4) components namely: Online Registration (1.0), Information Services (2.0), Gallery (3.0), and Database Maintenance (4.0)

Level 2 DFD Online Registration (1.0)
Figure above shown above is the level 2 DFD explosion of the Online Registration (1.0) of the developed system. User is required to register online (1.1) in the system. The User is required to enter username and password in order to access the features of the Alumni information system. Users can also update personal data (1.2) and can also change their password (1.3) in the system.

Level 2 DFD Information Services (2.0)
The Information Services (2.0) was designed to facilitate the Forum, Calendar of Events, and Online Help. The Chat (2.1) feature of the system allows users to exchange messages in “real time”. The Forum (2.2) provides a venue for alumni to share ideas, connect to other alumni, and discuss topics that are related to the school or school’s activities. The Calendar of Events (2.3) provides the following: announcement; reminders; schedule of activities; and other important information on alumni activities.

Level 2 DFD Explosion Gallery (3.0)
In the Level 2 DFD Explosion of Gallery (3.0) on Figure 6.0, the Alumni and the Alumni Officer have access to this feature of the developed system. The alumni and Alumni Association Officer can upload photos and videos on the activities conducted by the school.

Level 2 DFD Explosion Database Maintenance (4.0)
In the Level 2 DFD Explosion of Database Maintenance (4.0) on Figure 7.0, system administrator has access to this feature of the developed system. The administrator has direct access on tables to maintain and manage them.
Decomposition Chart

This phase can be considered as the physical implementation of the system wherein the software design is realized as a set of programs or program unit.
After the researchers already have the design. The next step is the coding phase. The Alumni Information System is a web based system in which it uses PHP scripting language that includes my PHP Admin, my SQL and Apache web server. The researchers uses Wamp as the localhost web server and Joomla as the site manager in which the features was composed of Homepage, Information Board, Event List, Gallery, About us, Contact, Help Page, Chat room, Forum, Alumni List and My Profile.
The system was uploaded into a webhost to make it available over the internet. The researchers bought a domain at, setup Drupal using Fantastico or QuickInstall under cPanel in which it manages the different kind of CMS (content management system) and then log-in to cPanel, search for fantastic or QuickInstall, clicked on Joomla link and selected new Installation and all the necessary information is filled in into the forms.
The back-end of the system includes the Alumni List in which the researchers used My SQL as the database. Sites, Menus, Content, Components, Extensions, Tools and Help page was also included in the back-end of the system. The Article Manager and the User Management under the components was the most valuable because it contains the content of the Information Board, Event List, and the Home page for updating the system while the user management system was the registered user which is in database form which was needed to be enabled and to be approved.
In this phase, the system had undergone the two testing measures which are the initial and final testing. The system was tested by three IT experts and also the alumni users. This is to measure whether the system met the user requirements and also the functionalities.
Initial Testing
In the initial testing phase, the system’s criteria were based on McCalls software Quality Model to evaluate the quality of the system. The researchers chooses only three IT Programmers to checked the system.
Final Testing
The final testing underwent what we called “USER ACCEPTANCE TESTING” for the end user. This is to test whether the end users are convinced and satisfied to the functionality of the system. The alumni administrators and students evaluated the system based on the validated questionnaire through online testing. During the testing the user tests the functionality of its menus and features.
Operation and Maintenance
It is the final stage of SDLC process. The system will be maintained and always be updated by the alumni personnel. In four types of maintenance the researchers used the adaptive and perfective maintenance because in adaptive maintenance the system is useful even in the changing environment. Any changes fall in these steps for maintenance purposes. The changes in the system could directly affect the software operations. The software should be developed to accommodate changes that could happen during the post implementation period. The system will be maintained by the system administrator through gathering information from the alumni officer and alumni in order to update new batch of graduates, job opportunities and inform them about the upcoming events especially the homecoming. And the perfective maintenance in which improving of the system takes place for efficient processing.
Credits to the authors
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