Dairy Farm Management System in PHP and Bootstrap
The project entitled Dairy Farm Management System is an online platform designed to automate the record keeping and transaction in the operation of dairy farm. The said project was designed and developed in PHP and Bootstrap. Core features of the system include the cow information, vaccine and feed monitoring as well as the record of milk collection.
This article will provide you with the list of typical features for the development of a dairy farm management system. You can also request us to provide you the documentation of the project that you can your for capstone project.
Features and Form Design of Dairy Farm Management System
Login – the login form is a security feature of the system that prevents unauthorized personnel to access, view and manage the records.

Dashboard – the dashboard will help the users to monitor instantly the number of cow, collected milk, sold milk and monthly sales.
- Total Staff
- Total Cow
- Total Collected Milk
- Total Sold Milk
- Monthly Sales – Line Graph
The image below represents the dashboard module of the system. It is usually the page the opens after the login process.

Staff Info – this is the module where persons who are allowed to use the system will be encoded and stored. The following information that will be stored in this module are the following:
- Profile Image
- Staff Name
- Mobile No
- Designation
- Username
- Password
Sample screenshot presented below:

Cow Information – information of the cow must be recorded for proper monitoring of their health, feed allocation, milk collection and others. The following are the information needed in this module
- Cow Control Number
- Image
- Gender
- Cow Type
- Date of Birth
- Animal Status (sold, available)
Image below is the sample form design of the cow information module.

Vaccine Monitoring – this module is for the record keeping of the date when the cow was vaccinated. It includes the following information:
- Date
- Cow Number
- Remarks
The image below represents the vaccine monitoring module.

Feed Monitoring – as part of their feeding process, the system has a feature that records and monitors their schedule of feeding. The module includes the following information or form controls.
- Date
- Cow Number
- Remarks
- Food Item
- Quantity
- Feeding Time
The image below represents the feed monitoring module of the project.

Milk Collection – the system also monitors the milk collection per cow. Based on the collected data, the system can generate a report on which cow produces more milk. It will serve as a base line to the management to what are the factors in order for the cow to produce more milk.
- Collection ID No
- Cow Number
- Date
- Liter
- Price per Liter
- Total
The image below represents the milk collection module of the dairy farm system.

Milk Sale – the collected milk will be sold to the public and this is the module that records the milk sale. It includes the following information:
- Collection Number
- Customer name
- Liter
- Price per liter
- Total
- Date
The image below is the sample form design of the milk sale module.

Milk Sale Report (filter by date from – date to) – the management can print-out a report on the sold milk. They can filter the report based on two dates and the report includes the following information:
- Cow Number
- Liter
- Price per Liter
- Total
- Date
Sample screenshot of the milk sale report module/

Cow Sale – the dairy farm system also sell their cow to the public, the sale transaction will be recorded in this module of the system and it will store the following detail:
- Invoice No
- Date
- Cow Number
- Amount
- Customer Name
- Customer Contact
- Customer Email
- Remarks
The image below is the form design of the cow sale module.

Cow Sale Report (filter by date from – date to) – this module is the same with the milk sale report but instead of milk sale report, this will produce a report on the cow sale.
- Cow Number
- Date
- Amount
The image below represents the cow sale report.

The following are the advantages of the system:
- Security of data
- Ease of data recording
- Generates information in less amount of time
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