Customer Satisfaction Survey in PHP and MySQL Chapter 3
The project entitled customer satisfaction survey is a web based project designed and developed in PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap. It is intended to replace the manual process of survey about the services offered by the school such as the library services, guidance services, clinic and other services available in the college. This is a database oriented project that can adapt to the changes especially in the list of criteria’s for every service.

This chapter contains the technical background of the study and the discussion of tools used for the software and hardware development of the system.
The developed capstone project entitled Customer Satisfaction Survey is a web based system that can evaluate the services offered by the institution. The said project is a web and mobile based project which means that the users can access the system by using the Tablet/Android phones that can only access by the registered users (staff, faculty and student) within the local area network of the school.
Customer Satisfaction Survey is developed using the rapid application development model. It is one of the process models in System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) that has a series of steps which involves the number of phases or procedures that gave the complete software. All possible requirements were gathered and defined in a manner that is understandable by both user and developer. This study is in a form of research in which you ask the students, faculty and staff for their views on issues that indicate how well or how badly the services is performing with the system.
The proponents will install the XAMMP Server 1.7.3 an Apache distribution containing MySQL, PHP and Perl in which will provide a support for creating and manipulating the Database. The relevant to the demand of the system is to have a software program which is important, the Hypertext Mark-up Language (HTML) that will be used for the design of system, PHP: Hypertext Pre-processor (PHP) is a server-side scripting language that used for web development and also used as a general-purpose programming language. For the query, we used MySQL Front a client for Windows that allows for the management, to manage a local or remote Database through a client interface. Since we consider PHP-Nuke to be more appropriate and flexible tool for this task, we would like to focus our attention a little on a functionality of MySQL Front. That is the ability to load, import and export Databases of great dimensions without losing data or getting errors. Also we used Google Chrome as the browser and Intranet for the connection only within the organization.
Customer Satisfaction Survey will be used for the replaced of manual process in the institution. The system will work, first, the user (staff, faculty and student) will register and give all the data being required, secondly, user will attempt to log-in by using their Username/Password, if it is valid, the user can proceed with the next task. In the third process, user will evaluate the services offered with the corresponding questionnaire. The user cannot view the result, only the Services can view the result in order for them to know on what aspect of their service’s needs to be improved and the Research and Development Office will tabulate the overall ratings and they are also the distributor to give the result in every service.
Credits to the authors/developers of the project
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