Crime Reporting System User Interface in Bootstrap and PHP
The project entitled Crime Reporting System is an online platform that will allow residents to report an incident/crime using their computers and smartphone or mobile devices.
This article will enumerate the list of modules used in the project, but the focus of this article is to provide you an idea and guide on the different forms and interfaces that are included in the development of a crime reporting system.
Login Form – this module/form is used to gain access to the control panel of the system, only authorized users can access in the system. The user needs to enter the correct combination of username and password.

Dashboard – this is the interface of the system that displays the basic statistics and records such as the number of crimes reported by month presented in a bar graph format.

Crime Category – incidents and crimes were group into categories and the image below is the interface/form for encoding the different crime categories.

Crime Information – in this module, it is where the details of the crime are encoded and confirmed. The information includes the category of the crime, location, date reported and the resident who reported the incident/crime.

Police Officer – police officers can also access the system, they are the ones who can encode and confirm the reported incident/crime.

Resident Information – residents can also use the system through their mobile phones and computers, they can report a crime and take evidence by uploading a video or photos. The report will be confirmed by the police officer in duty and take necessary actions. The forms below are the modules for resident information.

Resident Credential Information – one of the features of this project that will prevent and minimize the fake reports is that the residents are required to pass and upload a valid document such as ID, birth certificate, brgy clearance, etc. Residents with valid documents can login and report an incident.

Response Information Management – every time a resident reports an incident, a response team will be dispatched to validate, investigate and handle the reported incident. The image below is the response information management module of the project.

User Management – this feature can only be accessed by the administrator of the system, the admin can also perform a system and database maintenance.

Tamboli, et. al (2013) in his study “Incident Reporting System Using GIS” presented a paper about integrated application-software which will be used to report an incident or accident immediately and also keep the log of activities which in turn helping public and the authorities to deal with problems and emergencies. Among the applications of the system include a notification of any incident to concerning department, thus the concerned authorities can respond quickly and in an efficient way to solve the problem; it is also used to navigate the response team in minimum possible time; as it keeps the log of activities so it can also be used to maintain log of incidents for further investigation, and this application will help to handle any kind of incident which requires help in a hassle free manner and will also analyze the incident to be reduced. In summary, this application will provide a communication medium for the public to indicate to the respective authorities about the emergencies or incidents identified. This is a very useful real-time application for time-critical incidents.
Yang,C. et. al.(2010, December). Use of Mobile Phones in an Emergency Reporting system for infectious disease surveillance after the Sichuan earthquake in China. Retrieved from
Development Tools:
PHP, MySQL/MariaDB and Bootstrap
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