COVID-19 Online Platform for Complaints and Communication System
Proposed System
Corona Virus Disease 2019 became a global problem and it is very important to be updated about the disease. The humanity fears COVID-19 so much because of its widespread and a lot of people are looking for reliable updates about the said pandemic. A lot of fake news is spreading on different online platforms especially in social media sites that made people panic and worry more about the disease. In lined with this, the researcher of the study entitled COVID-19 Online Platform for Complaints and Communication System aimed to develop a system that would serve as a platform for different complaints and communication of the people and official departments and agency responsible in giving updates for the said disease. This system is accessible both by the administrators and the user who are in search for updates about COVID-19. The administrators are the one who are responsible in managing different complaints from the user. The user will utilize the system to relay there complaints and questions about the COVID-19. The system will eliminate the possibility of fake news that might be encountered by the humanity.

System Implementation
Developing the system would be a great help for the people. To ensure the effectiveness of the system, this will be presented to the end users. The researchers will be providing questionnaire about the functionality of the system and difficulties that might be encountered upon operating the system. Also, the end users can provide their recommendations and suggestions for the betterment of the system.
Objectives of the Study
- To make a platform that could address all the complaints or thought of people regarding on CoVid-19
- To make people inform/update all the time about the CoVID19 issue.
- To create a system that could still connect people from the outside or to have communications since everyone has been restricted to go out.
- To provide a secure, legit information for the awareness of the users.
- To create a platform that could make people reunite in giving not just complaints but also suggestions that could help others from infected.
- To make even a simple actions/deeds that could help lessen the burden of government and frontliners/medical workers.
Significance of the study
The following Group or individual will benefit from this system:
Government: Through this system, the people have the chance to reunite and will give each other’s advice in order to be keep protected from virus. People will also not feel worry or panic for this system produces only legit information or updates. Also by knowing all the complaints of the people government will already know what to do in order to actions people’s complaints. At the end, this system will help them less their burden in facing this kind of problem.
Frontliners/Medical Workers: They will be benefited by this system through lessen the number of people that will be infected knowing all the legit information by reliable sources, suggestions complaints and advice by others. This could also be at least reducing their works or jobs.
Users: Users will gain a huge of benefit from this system, for it will only produce information that true or legit, with that they will not be panic and worry about the Covid19. This system will help them be updated every minute so that they will be aware of what going on about Covid19.
Project Plan/SDLC
The researchers made use of the Software Development Life cycle in developing the system.
First, is determining of requirements. Software and hardware are the proposed system requirements to be used are determine by the researchers.
Second is gathering data. Interviews to the management will be conducted by the researchers and will gather data or information for the system.
Third is analyzing data. To be able to identify the required information needed in the development of the system and viable solution to it, those data analyzed by the researchers was being analyzed.
Fourth, phase is designing. The system will be designed by the researchers and will specify the desire features. The conceptual model of user requirements whose block of codes where produced and defined its specification and operation in detail. A systematic approach is used to create a design by application of set of techniques and guidelines.
Fifth is coding. Encoding codes is done by the researchers and with the help of a technical expert to debug the program and to check if there are errors. To determine the reliability of the system an incorrect data is used to test the system. Also part of it is maintaining the system.
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