Online Platform for COVID-19 Contact Tracing System
Background of the Study
Table of Contents
As the COVID-19 pandemic struck around the globe, the general public is in great fear, worry, and concern about their health. The COVID-19 pandemic challenged the healthcare sector on how to combat and mitigate the spread of the virus since it is a highly infectious disease. The virus can be transmitted between people without even manifesting symptoms. One person being infected by COVID-19 can cause transmission to several people which will put the life of the people in jeopardy especially those people who are categorized to be at high risk for infection.
In today’s digital age, various digital tools can aid the process of executing the operations and tasks of different industries and institutions. The use of computer technologies has widely been known to increase the operational efficiency and services offered by different sectors and the healthcare sector is no exception. There is seen a significant improvement in the healthcare sectors with the advancement of medical and health technologies. The health sector can now deliver better and advanced healthcare services to its stakeholders. However, as the COVID-19 pandemic struck the world, the healthcare sector faced another serious challenge on how to combat and mitigate the widespread of the coronavirus. The Corona Virus Disease 2019 is highly infectious, it can be transmitted between people without even manifesting symptoms. One person being infected by COVID-19 can cause transmission to several people if contact tracing is not carried out efficiently. With the high number of COVID-19 active cases, contact tracing becomes complicated and time-consuming very quickly. Inlined with this, the researchers proposed an Online Platform for the COVID-19 Contact Tracing System. The system can facilitate contact tracing processes such as initial case investigation, transmission pathway visualization, and contact follow-up of persons exposed to a COVID-19 positive person.

Reasons for Choice of the Project
The reason behind the development of the Online Platform for COVID-19 Contact Tracing is to assist the local healthcare sector and field responders to efficiently facilitate labor-intensive processes of contact tracing. The online platform will allow them to conduct an initial case investigation, they can electronically record and store information of the COVID-19 positive patients, travel history, symptoms, and profiles of possible contacted persons. The system will allow the field responders to visualize the transmission pathway to timely and efficiently identify and locate persons who are possibly exposed to COVID-19 patients. The healthcare sector can efficiently and timely respond to COVID-19 Contact tracing with accurate data and facilitate patients accordingly up to their quarantine periods. The development of the project will power up the healthcare sector in combating and mitigating the spread of the Corona Virus Disease 2019.
Objectives of the Study
General Objectives – The researchers generally aim to design, develop and implement an Online Platform for COVID-19 Contact Tracing.
Specifically, the researchers aim the following objectives:
- To reduce the time frame to identify and locate possible persons exposed to COVID-19 patients.
- To develop a system that will store COVID-19 contact tracing information.
- To visualize the transmission pathway for efficient and accurate contact tracing.
- To efficiently assist the healthcare sector and field responders to trace people who are exposed to COVID-19 positive patients.
- To evaluate the effectiveness, quality, productivity, and accuracy of the system.
Project Context
The proposed project is an online platform that will be designed and developed using PHP, MySQL/MariaDB, and Bootstrap. The proposed system will facilitate recording and storing information used to quicken and ease up contact tracing. With this, it could help the healthcare sector and field responders to do the task accurately with fast and better processing. Moreover, it could bring more convenient and effective than manual contact tracing.
The following are the proposed module of the project:
- Admin Dashboard – this module displays the basic statistics or records stored in the system, it includes the number of barangays, number of active cases, and number of completed contact tracing.
- Barangay Management – the project is a dynamic system wherein the LGU are allowed to add their respective barangays to the system.
- Patient Information – this module will store the profile of the COVID-19 patient
- Contact Tracing – this module will record and store information on the travel history of the patient to trace possible transmission pathways. This module also encodes information of possible people exposed to the COVID-19 patient especially family members to easily identify and locate them.
- Reports Management – output of the system is in a form of tabular data and graphical reports, cases per barangay, and cases status reports.

Importance of the Study
In today’s digital world, the usage of technology has become increasingly important. Most of the operating industries and institutions adopt an IT-based solution to aid their operations and transactions. The proposed system is an important tool to help facilitate the COVID-19 contact tracing process in an efficient and timely manner. The system is extremely important to power up the healthcare sector in combating and mitigating the spread of the Corona Virus Disease 2019.
Target Users/Beneficiary
The target users or beneficiaries of the study are the following:
Local Healthcare. The local healthcare sector will be efficient to help mitigate the spread of the coronavirus in the locality.
COVID-19 Field Responders. The system will provide them assistance and efficient data to conduct contact tracing in an efficient and timely manner.
Researchers. The success of the project will give them credits by helping and providing the healthcare sector with an efficient system to combat the spread of the COVID-19.
Future Researchers. The system will serve as their reference in conducting their study and developing their version of the system.

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