Computer Assisted Instruction (Web, Mobile, Desktop)
The new learning paradigm in the educational system encourages students to be in control of how they learn, and the teachers to let go of their control over the learning process in the classrooms and begin to function as designers and facilitators of learning. Teachers assist their students to develop an independent learning skill, understand the strengths and weaknesses of open learning, and be able to develop and deliver educational materials more creatively, effectively, and efficiently.
In the learning environment, technology-aided strategies provide valuable experiences to the teachers and students through instructional devices that can be viewed and heard. Computers in the educational institutions could be used in presenting the lesson and solving problems. Schools make use of computer-assisted instructional applications such as drill and practice programs, tutorials, simulations and game programs and students should make use of Information Technology (IT) throughout the curriculum. This educational software may be utilized in acquiring subject-specific skills, knowledge and understanding. The software must be easy to operate, should help students with their learning, and should be easy to understand and use.
The main objective of this project is to develop a computer based educational tool for a student that is easy to learn and use.
Specifically, this project aimed to:
- Develop a learning game that would give students fun and knowledge in the subject State the Subject.
- Provide an educational game that could be use by teachers as a supplementary tool for teaching in an effective way in getting students attention for their study towards the subject.
- Provide a computer game tool that allows teachers to update videos and facts about the subject
- To develop an Interactive CAI that will help the students learn more than the traditional classroom setting.
Statement of the Problem
- In what way an Interactive Computer Assisted Instruction motivate the student?
- What are the effects of the use of an Interactive CAI in the teaching process?
- What are the perceptions of the students, teachers and parents towards the use of interactive CAI.?
Definition of Terms
CAI- Computer –Aided instruction (CAI) is one of the computer tools which are designed to teach, guide and test the student or a learner until a desired level of proficiency is attained. It captures the student attention because the program is interactive and engaged the students’ spirit of competitiveness to increase their learning stability.
Computer Based Tutorial System – Computer-based training is, in a general sense, a reproducible system of instruction conveyed through the use of a computer for the purpose of training an individual.