Computer-Assisted Instruction using Moodle

Computer-Assisted Instruction using Moodle

Moodle allows educators to create online courses, which students can access as a virtual classroom. A typically Moodle home page will include a list of participants (including the teacher and students) and a calendar with a course schedule and list of assignments. Other Moodle features include online quizzes, forums, where students can post comments and ask questions, glossaries of terms, and links to other Web resources.

The researchers used the Moodle in developing the system. Moodle stands for “Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment.” Moodle is an open source course management system, originally developed by Martin Dougiamas. It is used by thousands of educational institutions around the world to provide an organized interface for e-learning, or learning over the Internet.


Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) is among the range of strategies being used to improve student achievement in school subjects. The content is presented in the form of videos, activities, assignments and interactive quizzes to test your knowledge.

The Administrator, Dean, Instructor, and the Students can access the system by using a login form and putting a username and password. The instructors can provide announcements, lessons, assignments, schedules, and grade reports to the students. Students can take the lessons, activities and quizzes. Grades are automatically computed based on the grading system set by the instructor.

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