City Wide Barangay Management System in PHP and MySQL
The project entitled City Wide Barangay Management System is an online platform wherein every barangay in the city or municipality is connected and maintained by the city administrator.
The said project was designed and developed in PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap; this is actually a modified version of our web based barangay system.

Significance of the Study
The study intends to benefit every barangay in the city. It will change the way of dealing day to day transactions in the barangay, make the work easy, less paper, fast and reliable, decreases the time consumed during the process of transactions.
Barangay Resident. This study will benefit the residents` in viewing the list of activities of barangay and they can also apply for a clearance and permit online.
Barangay Secretary/Staff. This study aided the Barangay Secretary for easily keeping of records and fast retrieval of information and accurate flow of transactions.

Related Literature
Barangay Resident Record Management and Issuance System
This study focuses on the records management system of the said Barangay. The Barangay treasurer/secretary is the one who performs permits, certificates transactions community tax, business taxes, and other fees. They are also in charge to maintain up-to-date records of all issuance. These records are sufficient for various purposes that required an appropriate, consistent and secured storage of files. Fetch from (
Thus, the researchers proposed Barangay records management system that will give safer storage of financial records, fast retrieval of files, maintains reliability and accuracy, and faster tracking of files. Proposing software for the records management system is very useful to the staff, from hand written records and manual issuing of barangay clearance and certificates, as well as the income and expenses reports into an automated processing system.
Administrator Account
- Dashboard
- Barangay Officials Module
- Staff Account Module
The image below shows the page wherein administrator can encode the information of staff/secretary of every barangay. The staff/secretary is the responsible for encoding the information of their respective residents.

- Generated Reports per Barangay
The city administrator can access the list of certificates processed and printed by every barangay. This feature of the system is for monitoring of transactions. The image below shows the page wherein the administrator can view and search the list of printed certificates per barangay.

- Audit Logs Module
Adding and updating of records are recorded and stored in the audit log feature of the application.

Barangay Staff Account
- Household Information Module
- Resident Information Module
- Blotter Entry Module
- Permit Management Module
- Clearance Management Module
- Certificate of Residency Management Module
- Medical Certificate Management Module
Certificate of residency and medical certificate are the new addition for this version of barangay management system.

- Generated Certificates Module
Every time the staff/secretary generates a certificate/report, the system automatically record and store the transaction. The image below shows the list of generated certificates.

- Barangay Activity Management Module
Resident Account
- Request Permit, Clearance, Certificate of Residency
With the implementation of this innovation, the residents can now request for any clearance in the barangay using their smartphone and computers with internet connection. Payment for those clearances are not of this system, which means that upon the approval of the clearance the resident is required to claim and pay in the barangay hall.

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