Church Information Management System Review of Related Literature
This chapter presents the related literature and studies that help the researcher in developing the proposed system.
Church Management Software: Managing the Financials while Shepherding the Flock
A developer named Luke Wagner (2015) says, the reason you’ve dedicated your time and energy to your church probably has more to do with doing the Lord’s work, than the resulting bookkeeping! But, for many churches and other faith-based organizations, tedious financial management tasks are one of the main things standing in the way of the primary ministry goals.

It doesn’t have to be that way, though. There are many, many great church management software programs on the market. They cover a wide range of administrative and financial tasks. Finding the right church management software is a critical step to responsible church financial stewardship. So, let’s take a look at some of your options and how they can benefit you and your organization.
Prior Arts
JIL Church Attendance Monitoring System
Jenifer of JIL (2017) blogger state that, the main purpose of this study is to develop a better attendance monitoring system in JIL Church in Iligan City. This study intends to fill such weaknesses of the proponents found. JIL Church Attendance Monitoring System maintains a daily record of a person’s arrival and departure time from Church. Time and attendance system are the modern days equivalent of the paper time sheet or attendance that are done manually.
Through this system the leaders of the church that whose assign for the attendance sheet are they done without struggling for maintaining daily record of a person and makes it easy and fast for monitoring the attendance of every attendee. An Attendance Monitoring System serves as a time log that is set up as a computerized database. Using of this computerized database it can monitor the attendance of every person attend in church activity, there is a difference in recording keeping if that person is a first-timer or attendee or regular attendee. An attendance monitoring system for a person would contain attendee history, references and performance information.
The system contains also the person’s name, address, day, time, month and number of persons attended that determined the level of her/his life-growth and the inviters. The system keeps records in order and is frequently updated. When seeking person’s information, the pastors can request certain reports to be printed from the attendance monitoring system even for the whole attendance of every activity for the whole month or for the whole year are automatically calculate every datails on that activity with necessary reports and information.
Church Management Information System
A company of inov8tiv (2017) discussed that a church runs in very much the same way any typical organization runs. It receives inputs (believers/staff) from the society, processes, and procedures, and followed up with outputs (spiritually lifted believers/paid staff).
Nonetheless, a church is an organization, complete with objectives and strategies to achieve these objectives. And like any 21st-century organization worth its salt, coming up with strategic policies that are both effective and efficient is key to adaptation and survival to the environmental changes. For this reason, the church needs to incorporate information and technology in operation to achieve effectiveness and efficiency.
Attendance Tracking and Graphing for Churches
According to George Baker (2015) Tracking your church’s growth can be a time-consuming task, though there’s little doubt it’s an important one. Knowing your attendance and growth allows you to gain an overview of how things are going on the ground and, while this is by no means the only or even most important measure of a church’s success, knowing these statistics is certainly a helpful tool for church leaders and administrators.
ChurchApp provides not only a quick and easy way to log your church’s attendance but goes that bit further, providing you with a breakdown of attendance with graphs and averages — getting your data into the format you need to make the right decisions. It’s the way a Church Attendance Database should be.
The above presented studies and systems are related to the information systems integrated and implemented to the transactions that are beneficial to the information management of churches.
The next lists of literatures can also help the researchers in the development of information systems that might help improve and enhance the current system.
Replace Manual Accounting Information System with Electronic System
Roy Sylvan (2017) has a Ph.D. in communication studies. He directed a large city department of aging, was COO of a consulting company and provided management training to companies. Writing for more than 40 years, Sylvan has authored articles in trade journals, magazines and blogs, and wrote a how-to book on starting a business.
Setting up an electronic accounting system to match a current manual system has three major advantages. An electronic system offers potential reductions in calculation errors, increased ease of reporting data in useful formats, and improved safety and permanency of stored data.
Recording system
S.J Wanous, E.E Wanous, Gerald E. Wagner (1971) Recording is the process of writing, rewriting, or reproducing data by hand or by machine. In a manual system, data are recorded in human language on a wide variety of forms. In the unit-record and electronic computer systems, data are also recorded on these forms in human language. After, they are recorded in some code form acceptable to the system being used.
This chapter deals with different literature and studies base on different sources such as books and internet. This related literature in system involves System Monitoring and Maintenance, Financial, Database Management System and Recording System.
The above-mentioned systems, will serve as our group’s basis for the development of the study. We can produce a computer-based recording with an organized and manageable system that has its consistent functions and operation. Added to the system monitoring and maintenance, this can help the data to maintain organize records in the Local Church organization. Both studies are related in the area of the importance in keeping all the records and files of the members are necessary and it will give the assurance that those files are secured and accessible for the advancement of the processing. It also guarantees the jobs will be easier, faster and more efficient for the benefits of the organization. The system can also print files such as certificates and it can help the members be updated in the different events that will be held inside the organization.
Credits to the authors and developers of the project.
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